Ch 12

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**A/N – I broke up this one into its own chapter so I wouldn't have to switch back to Ember's Pov until the end of the fight. I'm adding an ability I don't think Law has but since my character Snow is an overpowered beast, I needed to make Law stand a little bit of a chance. Also, I put a death warning for those who wish to skip it, that part does get a little unpleasant**


Snow's Pov

"Now the battle begins Snow-ya" I heard Law start to speak as he prepared to fight me by taking out his sword for its sheath. "Fine, I'll fight you but only because if I don't, you'll go back and hurt my Mingo-Kins and I'm sorry but I can't let you do that. I'll warn you Law I'm stronger than I look"

I'll start with only using speed and ice against him and if I need more, I'll use my other abilities as well but only if necessary. "You better be prepared than Snow-ya, I wouldn't hold back either" It's been a while since I've had a good fight and this would be interesting, let's see how hard I need to try to beat him in this little battle.

"Room... Shambles" He appears transports behind me and moves his sword to cut me but I duck down my hair receiving a slight trim to the strands in the way of the slice. Moving his blade downwards toward me I moved again before it could hit me. "I can do this all day Law you're just not quick enough to land a hit on me"

"My turn" I don't need to but it will be fun to announce my moves just like it an anime. "Ice Bullet" I point my finger at Law before bullets of ice start firing at him but he shambles away. This may take a while unless I go hands-on but I don't want to end the fight too soon.

"Your turn" Law frowns at me mocking him before holding out his left hand before he points at me saying 'takt' and flicks his hand sending me flying through his 'room' then bringing me back down towards him and his sword 'nope, I'd like to keep all my body parts together today' I teleported outside of his 'room' after he notices I'm outside of it he mutters something under his breath before the 'room' disappears.

"Is this the best you got Law? Since you kind of suck if I'm being honest" Law's just grinning now and it's creeping me out a little 'what's he got up his sleeve?' "You asked for this Snow-ya. Room... Trauma" The 'room' appears before it begins to fill with purple fog and my head starts to feel fuzzy, my eyes weren't staying forced on anything. Then it happened I started seeing something I couldn't make it out at first since it was so blurry but the more it came into focus the more, I wanted it to go away.

~~~Warning: Upcoming Death~~~

I know this place but it's more than a place it's my 5th birthday party, this is a memory, an event that has been permanently burned into my mind. What did that son of a bitch do, he could do anything else but this is... "Mommy!" No, it's starting, I can't, I don't want to watch this but everywhere I look it's there even if I close my eyes, I can still see it.


"Coming dear! Calm down" A woman with golden blonde hair dressed in a blue dress walked into the room followed by two other girls one with fiery red hair with black tips, Ember, and another with soft blonde hair matching the woman's whose hand she was holding onto, Hope...

"There's the birthday girl, how old are you now my little snowflake? Stop getting older and growing I want you to stay little and cute" The little girl with white hair let out a giggle before answering her mother. "I'm five Mommy" The girl proudly stated holding up her hand with all five fingers held up.

I always got a birthday party for myself as my birthday was different from my sisters, I was born before midnight and they were born after so technically two different dates. The doctors wanted me to have the same birthday as my sisters but my mother wasn't having it, she got her way.

One Piece x OC {My World or Yours?}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt