Ch 5

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**A/n – This Chapter has been edited**


5 am


Ember hit her alarms snooze button before it could finish its first beep then sat up to turn it off so it wouldn't sound again. The girl was always the first one up in the mornings and she liked it that way, the house was less noisy when the others were asleep. It was normal for Ember to be up this early it was a part of her routine and it allowed the girl could get a lot more done before her day would officially begin.

Now the others wouldn't be up until at least 6:30 or 7:00 at the latest since they needed to be up for school today. Well, Ash would get to sleep a little later than the others but it was only because it was her day off and she worked a double last night. Ember was heading for her bathroom so she could shower before her morning run when she heard a soft whimper.

"Snow..." Ember recognized it as her sister's whimper and it caused it to stop dead in her tracks. "The nightmares again... but at least she's getting a little rest even though it's not the most peaceful" She listened for a few more seconds before she continued into her bathroom, Ember would check on her sister before she left for her run.

10 Minutes Later...

When Ember exited the bathroom, she had a towel wrapped around her chest and was towel drying her hair. Once her hair was only slightly damp, she threw the towel into her laundry basket before she started looking for her running clothes. Ember was almost ready to go but she still couldn't find one article of clothing she needed.

"Where did I put my joggers... oh there they are!" She found her favorite joggers neatly folded on her desk next to her finished math homework. Ember quickly slid them on before she headed to her bedroom door, making sure to grab her sweater off the coat rack before leaving her room and entering the hallway.

It was still early so the hallway was still dark but she knew the way to her sisters' room even without the light. Sure, she could light up the hallway with her powers to make it easier but it wasn't necessary for the girl. As Ember stood in front of Snow's door, she could hear the girl's faint whimpering from within so quickly opened the door before she stepped into the room.

Ember walked over to her sisters' bed careful not to trip over the many items that covered the ground, the girl was supposed to pick them up but she didn't. As she got closer, she could make out the fearful look that was present on the young girl's face. Ember slowly moved the stray hairs blocking Snow's face and tucked them behind her ears before she took a seat right beside her.

"Snow, it's okay. I'm here, hang in there I know how to calm you down" Ember reached over before she took Snow's music box off her nightstand. It was a truthy beautiful piece a gift from the girl's father, he said he found it in a faraway land and it had the power to ease one into a peaceful sleep. It used to belong to their mother before she died, now it was Snow's treasure.

Now whether the music box was magically or not, didn't matter to Ember but it did seem to relax Snow enough to stop her nightmares. The box was opened as Ember starting winding it up and once, she had finished winding it she cupped it in her hands as a lovely melody started to fill the room.

The words began pouring for Ember's mouth, she knew the song by heart. Their mother used to sing along with the music box when they couldn't sleep at night and even though it brought back a memory of their Mother, Ember didn't mind. They were happy memories, after all, Ember continued to sing to her sister as tears began to form in her eyes but she didn't stop.


Words are born into air

And quickly fade out in the wind

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