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No. Way. Kevin and Nick are both here? Kevin and Nick are both here right now, for me. Both of them flew all the way across the country to come support me in my first show with my new band, because that's how much they care. How the hell was I blessed with these two? They're literally amazing.

It's almost go time now. All four of us are waiting backstage, literally shaking with adrenaline as we wait for our epic Star Wars entrance. Of course, I snap Nick back; I plan to talk to them and thank them after the show is over, but I want to at least try and let them know how much it means to me before I go on stage. I have to.

The lights are dimming again, the backing track for the entrance starting up as we all slip our costumes on over our performance attire

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The lights are dimming again, the backing track for the entrance starting up as we all slip our costumes on over our performance attire. Then, we run out in front of the crowd, and the cheers are deafening. I tear up a bit under my mask, but don't let the tears slip out. As emotional as this is making me, I need to rev up the energy some more and give this crowd a good show. Especially since my brothers are a part of it.

Immediately after we take off the masks, the four of us begin the show with Naked. It's hype enough to get the crowd pumped and tuned into the vibe we are trying to give off as a band. Then, we move on to the song that gave us our name, DNCE, because it's also very fun, upbeat, and definitely a necessity for the beginning of the show. We play Body Moves, Good Day, and Doctor You after that before moving on to my personal favorite song from the new album.

"What do you say we slow it down for a bit?" I call out to the crowd, getting a roar of approval back. People seem to already have an idea what song we're going to play, and everyone's obviously excited to hear it. "Awesome. This one is called Truthfully."

As soon as I announce the title, there's more cheering and the backing track starts up. Grinning at the crowd again, I clear my throat and begin to bob my head to the music, getting my timing down. Then, I start in on the lyrics.

"I was always the one dodging phone calls. From every girl that I met in my bed. But then you came around like a brick wall, you knocked me out, out of my head. Had me treating my Mondays like Fridays, had me flying so high with no smoke, always dreamin' of you always with me, damn it I feel, feel like a joke. Speakin' truthfully, I'm not sure why we keep fighting, you just go blame the bad timing, admit it to me. Speakin' truthfully, I love you more than you love me. Getting more of your time was a challenge, had me beggin' you like a schoolboy, started treating me like a bad habit, so now I'm left, left with no choice," I drop out as the chorus comes around again, and the audience takes over, making me tear up for the second time tonight. There's something special about having a crowd of fans sing a song you wrote no matter what song it is, but when it's your favorite one it really hits home. However, I have to start singing again, and even though my voice is growing a little thick and choked up because of the tears, I'm going to power through.

"Now I know there's no use tryin', to get me and you on the same page, when you say that you love me lyin'. Speakin' truthfully, I'm not sure why we keep fightin', you just go blame the bad timin', admit it to me. Speakin' truthfully, I love you more than you love me. I love you more than you love me."

Cole walks up and hands me a tissue once the song ends, a cheeky smile on his face as he watches the tears stream from my eyes. I was holding it together so well up until the end, and then my overwhelming gratitude to the fans got the best of me, but I guess that's not a bad thing. Jack, JinJoo, and Cole talk to the crowd for a few moments, allowing me to pull myself together, and then we move on to the rest of the show, playing Jinx, Almost, Toothbrush, Be Mean, and then, for the encore, Cake by the Ocean. And when it's all over, I conclude that it was perfect. It's the best performance I think we could've put on for DNCE. It truly exceeded my expectations, and now that the show is over, I get to talk to two of my biggest supporters. What else could I possibly ask for? Well, I know one thing: my relationship with my best friend back, but after all this time that isn't bound to happen anymore, so I try to push it out of my mind. I just need to focus on what I do have, not what I used to have, especially on a night like this where so much went right.

I meet up with Kevin and Nick in my dressing room about fifteen minutes after the show ends, and practically tackle them when they walk through the door.

"I can't believe you guys are here!" I screech, and they laugh.

"Sure are, Joe," Kevin says.

"Did you like it?"

"Are you kidding? That performance was amazing! I hate to say it, bro, but that was loads better than the Fastlife performances," Nick says, and I giggle.

"Yeah, I agree. Better songs for sure, and I always seem to have more energy and a better stage presence when I'm surrounded by bandmates," I explain.

"Well, whatever the factors were, you need to do that more often. I would pay to come see that show, like, a thousand times," Nick says, and Kevin nods in agreement.

"I love you guys. Thank you," I say honestly.

"Of course, Joe," they tell me, proceeding to watch as I make a quick Instagram post about our opening night success.

"Listen, man, I'm not trying to overstep or anything, but is something wrong? Like, I know you're obviously excited about what you just did, as you should be, but you still don't seem 100% right now," Kevin says, and I look down at my shoes, knowi...

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"Listen, man, I'm not trying to overstep or anything, but is something wrong? Like, I know you're obviously excited about what you just did, as you should be, but you still don't seem 100% right now," Kevin says, and I look down at my shoes, knowing if he can notice the flaws in my mood then I have to admit it to myself. I should be 100% right now, after that performance the band and I just put on, but I'm not and apparently it's obvious.

"I just, I don't know. It's just that it makes me sad Brexley isn't here. Especially since you guys are, and she's the one I've always been closest to. It feels like the type of event someone like that should be present for, you know?" I say.

"I get it. Look, I know you guys haven't talked in a really long time, and I don't want to tell you what to do, but if you want to get your best friend back you have to reach out to her and apologize. If you're realizing now that you don't want to live without her anymore, then you have to make an effort," Kevin says, and I nod.

"I know. I want to, but I feel like she won't be willing to hear me out."

"Maybe she will, maybe she won't. If you don't reach out, you're going to have to accept the fact that though we'll be at your events and concerts and things, your so called best friend won't be," Nick says, and I know what my only option is.

If I want to actually feel 100% again, I have to apologize to Brexley. I have no more time to wait; this has gone on long enough. And with that thought in mind, I dial her phone number for the first time in over two years.

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