⚠Inside of Mind⚠

426 17 20



Sebelum ni chapter, cuma mau bilang aku minta maaf buat pembaca yang dibawah umur. Ini chapter pengennya ga ku publish, tapi kalau sudah janji harus ditepati.

Enjoy this Chapter~~~~


Ini cuma chapter yang berisi hal-hal ya..... mm.... kinky, ngeres dll. Bisa diskip jika pembaca keberatan.

Aku ga tau ini cerita harus ada batasan umur apa engga. Lagian sapa tau anak" jaman sekarang dah tau maksudnya (Jangan Dicontoh 😏 ¬_¬). Cuma dapet ide ini seadanya.

Jangan baca kalau tidak suka ok?


Jangan dipaksain baca :/


Serius ini :" :|


Saya sudah memperingatkan

Baiklah kalau begitu...


Lanjuts (O.O)


Before chapter "Perjalanan ini.."


-Russia POV-

It's the day after my fever. It's over now, but I want it's not over yet. I want she always looking at me, stay with me and mostly I want is... hugging her.

Or maybe even.... more than that. (Xero : "Holly sheeet!" *nosebleed*)

Why not? I'm 20 if you want to know.

Not gonna lie I like her. I like everything about her, innocent face, fluffy hair, cute voice, good attitude even her smells so nice.

I already like her. But I can't just say that to her like a maniac, that's not my taste. (Dasar Tsundere...)

But one thing that I'm worried about is her.

Is she likes me to?

I catch her conversation with Uki, she not interest at relationship. She said she doesn't even know what is feeling in love.

I want she feels same...




She tell that she can regain her emotions... So if I go with her in town this week, can she get that feeling?

But can it works? She look that was a normal tour, not a date.


Why I think that's a date? Bly*t!



Now back to reality...

I still sit on couch in living room, watching a fire crackling in the fireplace. Warming my body from this f*cking colds. I don't want to get myself sick again.

"Россия." My father called me. (Russia)

"Да папа." Answer me go to the sound from. (Yes papa.)

My father was in the front door. His outfits looks so formal. I think he's going to capital city.

"Что это такое?" I say. (What is it?)

[DISCONTINUED] Haruskah Aku Disini? 😑 (Countryhumans x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن