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calum trudged down the stairs as he let out a yawn, stopping as he heard talking coming from downstairs.

"no michael!" luke whispered loudly, before ashton let out a breath.

"no ones telling calum, not yet, ryan will get what he wants."

"he wants me and calum to split up thou-"

"you deserved it luke." ashtons voice was quiet before michael came in view for a few seconds as the front door opened and closed.

calum sat there quietly, not sure what to do as he just finally walked down the rest of the stairs, heading toward the kitchen as ashton and luke looked up.

"calum?" ashton raised an eyebrow, before calum looked over at him.


"you didn't just hear us, did you?" luke asked quietly, praying to god the kiwi boy didnt hear him.

"no." calum lied, i mean, he didn't hear the whole conversation.

calum made his way into the kitchen as he grabbed a water, looking down at it as he played with the cap, chewing his lower lip as he took a sip of it.

luke came into view a few seconds later, smiling weakly over at calum.


"hi baby boy." luke replied as he walked toward the kiwi boy, wrapping his arms around calum from behind, gently pressing a soft kiss to the boys neck.

"i love you." calum whispered quietly, his eyes forward as he just took a small breath.

"i love you too." luke replied a few seconds later, closing his eyes as he stood there.

"im sorry."


"the future." luke replied quietly, making calum raise an eyebrow to himself.

"do you love me?"

"of course." luke replied, silence filling the air, before calum continued.

"will you ever cheat on me?"

luke stood his, his eyes focused on the wall.

"never." he whispered quietly, his grip on calum tightening as he let out a small breath.

calum smiled to himself as he leaned on the boy, his eyes closing as he gently gripped the boys hand in his own.


"hey calum."

"oh, hey ryan." calum whispered as he looked up from the book he was reading over to the brown head.

the other boy sat across from him in the booth and smiled over at him, making the kiwi boy uncomfortable.

"so, uh, what brings you here?"

"I wanted to be away from people, so I came here, why are you here?"

"ash- nothing." the boy shook his head and laughed quietly.

"just needed a drink." calum nodded as he looked down at his book again, starting to read the page.

"so, what i wanted to tell you before."

"save it." calum whispered as he looked away from the boy and took a small breath.

"it's fine at the moment."

"no. i just, lukes been c-"

"hey calum!" both heads shot up as lukes voice was heard, making calum sigh in relief and smile weakly at him.

"hey luke." calum replied as he scooted a bit so the boy can sit beside him.

"funny to see you both here, isn't it?" luke looked over toward calum and over toward ryan.

"yeah, totally." ryan muttered under his breath before rolling his eyes, starting to stand up.

"you're not stopping me this time, hemmings."

"you're not saying anything, you're leaving." luke growled up at the boy before ryan laughed, rolling his own eyes.


"ryan dont."

"he deserves to know." ryan glared at luke, making the boys cross his arms over his chest as he let out a small groan, rubbing his face.

"you're not telling h-"

"lukes been cheating on you."

all three heads turned toward whoever said that, noticing ashton, his arms crossed over his chest.

"what?" was all calum said, his eyes toward luke, and back to ashton.

"he's been cheating on you, calum." Ryan's eyes went toward calums brown ones, making calum grip onto the seat to stop from having a break down.

"h-he isn't." calum whispered as his eyes went toward luke.

"y-you didnt, right?" he asked quietly, shutting his eyes tightly, opening them as luke wouldn't reply.

"luke." calum whispered as luke looked over at the boy, tears already falling down his cheek.

"im sorry calum." he whispered before calum stared at him before he started to push the boy away so we can get out of the booth.

"listen to me calu-"

"no." calum whispered as he started to let the tears fall down his face, shaking his head as he gripped his hair.

"yo-you said you wouldn't c-heat on me." he started to back up a bit, his body hitting ashtons before the boy finally broke down in front of the whole café.

"calum." luke reached over to wrap his arms around calum, before he pushed his arm away, screaming a bit.

"no!" calum shut his eyes before ashton sighed, his arms going around the broken boy.

"he didn't mean to." ashton whispered, his hand rubbing the boys back as he pressed a kiss to the boys forehead.

"he didn't." ashton whispered, his eyes going up toward luke, watching at the tall boy stood there, his eyes glued toward calum, his own tears falling from his eyes.

but he didn't stop it, he didn't stop as luke lunged toward ryan, he didn't stop as luke threw the first punch on the boys face, ashton didnt stop it as luke basically beat the living shit out of him.


sorry this chapter sucks and is short, writers block is at its best tbh.

but how are you guys?

thanks for the votes, comments and follow.

and sorry again for the sucky chapter lmao I'll try to make it up to you the next chapter. if yah now what i mean, wink wink.

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