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ashton yawned as he rolled over on his side, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes as he sat up, his eyes going to the time on the clock. '11:28pm'

he groaned as he stood up, started to walk toward the door, stepping out the room as he looked around the room, raising his eyebrows.

alright so i guess he did fall asleep at michael's house but like, what else was he suppose to do?

he walked toward the door as he put his shoes and grabbed his jacket before he just took a breath, stepping out the house.


calum sat on the floor in the living room as he grabbed some more chips, eating them one by one while watching finding nemo.

he sat there, eating away while the blonde freak lay on the couch, snores leaving his mouth, as it was also wide open.

there was someone trying to open the front door, before knocking, making the boy put the bowl of chips down on the floor as he stood up, walking toward where the front door was.

he unlocked the door as he opened it up, pulling his tooth in between his teeth as he noticed ashton.

"ashton!" he whispered loudly as he just took a small breath, looking toward where the living room, hoping the boy didnt hear him, ashton stuck his tongue out as he just stepped inside, taking a small breath. "where did you go?" he asked as he shut the door once the boy stepped in.

ashton stood there as he stuck his hands in his pockets, shrugging his shoulders. "just, out."

calum nodded as he walked to the living room, rubbing at his eyes, the curly haired boy following him.

ashton yawned as he watched calum sit back down on the floor, his eyes looking around for luke, anywhere but not the couch as he sat down, before feeling something unusual, until he heard luke yell.

"what the hell are you doing on me!?" he groaned, pushing the boy off him as ashton went flying, yelling as he landed on top of calum, making the other boy yell in pain.

ashton crawled of the boy, muttering a curse word as luke shot up, rubbing at his eyes.

"what the hell?" he muttered as he looked down at the floor to see calum holding his side in pain, while ashton just held his back.

"what the hell?" the blonde repeated again, his eyes going toward ashton as he sat up. "where were you?"

"i was out."

"out where?"

"out there." the brown haired boy growled in announce, starting to stand up. "its non of your business."

"wow, smart mouth over here." luke muttered as he rubbed at his face, sitting down beside calum as he wrapped an arm around the boys shoulder.

"but we should just know, because youve been gone for like, a day, almost two."

"almost." ashton repeated the other boys words as he sat down on the other couch, shaking his head. "its a whatever, alright? im back."

the blonde boy kept quiet, running a hand through calum hair slowly, watching as the kiwi boy relaxed in the boys touch, leaning on him.


"what do you mean, did calum chose, or did he just?"

"no, no. both of them. their both moving to north america."

"and you?"

the brown haired boy kept quiet, pulling his lip in between his teeth as he just sat there, shrugging.

"i dont know, they want me to." he whispered, looking up at the boy and taking a small breath as he started to reach for the boys hand. "i might though." he muttered, making the other boy just take a breath, shaking his head.

"you cant."

"but i want a new change too, i wanna travel."

"and so do i."

"then come with me." ashton states, his hand going to hold onto the boys hand softly, his eyes locked on his.

"i cant."

"and why not?"

"luke hates me and calums scared of me, their moving there because of me."

ashton just took a small sigh, tilting his head a bit.

"then i wont go."


"i dont want to leave you, i dont."

both boys just sat there, staring at each other before michael nodded his head.


calum groaned as his mother wrapped her arms around her son, for the tenth time that night.

"mumm," he groaned as she unwrapped her arms. "were not leaving until another week."

"oh i know, im just going to miss you," she smiled widely, raising her hands as she did. "and your cheeks!" she squealed before pinching the boys cheeks, hard.

"mum!" he yelled, stepping back as he pushed her hands away, groaning in pain as he started to rub his face, with both ashton and luke laughing in the backround.

he watched as his mother walked out the kitchen as he turned his attention back to the other boys, both leaning on each other as they burst out laughing, making the boy pout.

"it wasnt that funny."

"oh, trust me, it was!" ashton let out a squeal before he sat up straight, trying to hold his laugh in now, making calum growl as he rolled his eyes.

"oh cmon, princess." the blonde spoke, straighting his shirt out. "we were only kiddig around with you." he stood up, walking toward him, wrapping his arm around the boys waist, pressing a kiss to his forehead softly, making ashton scrunch his nose in disgust.

"welp, im going to call my mother." he stood up, making his way toward the exit to the hallway.

"idiot," luke muttered under his breath as calum smiled to himself, turning to look over at him.

"just because you called me princess, doesnt mean im gonna wear lingerie and skirts for you."


hello hi, sorry i havent posted in like a week and how manh days and like its short, but stuff is still happening and im falling behind in school, so, a lot is happening, i hope you understand? ((and i got my ipod taken away and just gpt it back lmao))

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