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luke ran up toward the front door before michael shut it, locking it.

"michael!" luke screamed before he banged on the front door.

"dont hurt him, please!" he screamed as he shut his eyes.

the blonde boy looked around the small porch as he tried to find anything that could break the window beside the door.

he groaned in frustration before he pulled his phone out, starting to dial ashton as he shut his eyes tightly.


"oh my god as-"

'sorry i couldn't answer your call, try again later, bye!'

"stupid aussie." luke muttered before he looked down at his feet and at the window, before he kicked the window, watching some glass break off.

luke looked inside to make sure michael wasn't coming before he scrunched his face up a bit, kicking the glass harder then before, groaning in pain as he held his knee, kicking the rest of the glass off.

luke looked down at the glass and threw his hands up in the air in frustration before he heard his phone go off, making him grab it right away.


"yea?" the boys voice made luke smile widely as he muttered a 'thank god.'

"i found him!"

"wait, what?"

"i found him! he's at michaels!"

luke voice was so loud, like he was the most happiest person every, but yet, was about to cry.

"wait, really? where does michael live?" luke chewed his lip softly as he just tried to look for the house number, anywhere on the house.

"luke?" luke stopped looking as his eyes went toward the open door, and there stood calum, making him drop his phone before running over toward him as he wrapped his arms around the boys waist tightly as calum fell foreword into his arms.

"ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmyfuckinggod." he muttered as he shut his eyes tightly, his arms tightening on the boys body, if that was even possible.

'uh, luke, you there?' ashtons voice went through the blondes boy speaker, making him pull the boy out of the house as he just set him on the porch, running toward his own phone.


"did he do anything?" luke asked for the fifth time as calum stared down on his untouched plate, his eyes slowly looking up into the blue ones before he shook his head.

"baby boy, please.." luke reached his hand out to gently rub at the boys cheek, but once his hand gently came in connect with calums face, the kiwi boy flinched and gripped onto his pants.

ashton sighed before he patted the blue eyed boys shoulders. "im gonna call the police."

"no, no, please dont." luke replied, his whole body turning toward the curly haired lad.

"luke, he's bro-"

"he's parents will take him away from the house again, take him away from me."

ashton sighed before he shut his eyes, a hand running through his hair as he just shook his head.

"only for tonight, we'll find out how he gets use to it." with a nod from the taller boy, the shorter boy was out the kitchen door.


"c'mon," luke whispered quietly as he took calums hand gently, lacing their fingers as he started to walk up the stairs.

alright, so i guess you can say it was a very quiet night, with luke and calum cuddling on the bed, the blonde boy whispering sweet nothings in his ear. ashton under the blanket in his pitch black room while he argued on the phone quietly.

well, it was quiet, until calum woke up screaming at three in the morning.

"calum, calum, babyboy." luke sat up as he cupped the boys cheek, rubbing his cheek with his finger as he shut his eyes, re-opening them.

"sh, it's okay, im here, im always going to be here." and with that sentence, ashton came running in the room, a bat in his hand before he realized both boys safe in the comfort of their room.

calum curled into a ball beside luke as he just rocked himself back and forth, feeling warm tears falling down his face and onto the bed sheet.

"thats it, were calling 911."

"ashton, please."

"no, luk-" both boys went quiet as they heard calums weak voice call them both, their eyes going toward the kiwi.

"he told me he wasn't done with me."


im sorry i like to end chapters in cliffhangers help!

LOL and sorry for the long ass wait but i love you all for waiting and the votes and comments and reads!

qotd; favourite boy and why?

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