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a month later.

luke sat on the uncomfortable waiting room chairs, his head leaning on the old lady sitting next to him, as snores left his mouth softly. he didnt realize he was sleeping until the lady had stood up, makng him jump up in his seat, wiping his mouth.

"im sorry." he whispered quietly, watching as the grey haired lady smiled over at the blonde boy, letting his hand rest on his lap before yawning once more.

he didnt want this to happen, he didn't want ashton to randomly show up a month later on their doorstep after they clearly told him to stay away. he didn't want to just leave ashton on the streets either. he didn't want ashton to pull a move on him, especially when he was drunk. but he was here, sitting on the hospital waiting room chair, hoping calum was alright.


24 hours from now.

calum had been sitting on the couch, watching skins on netflix, while luke was on the kitchen, cooking hotdogs for the both of them, when there was a knock on the door.

"ill get it!" calum called, pausing the show before standing up, making his way to the front door, not bothering to look through the peep hole, opening it up. "um, luke, why is there trash standing on our doorstop?!"

"wha- oh." luke stopped in his tracks, looking toward calum and over to ashton, who stood in front of them. "hello ashton." luke smiled weakly at the curly haired boy before walking toward him. "um, welcome?"

"hey luke." ashton smiled over at the blonde boy before calum coughed, making his smile go down before he looked over at the boy he hated most. "calum."

"ashton." calum replied coldly before glancing toward luke, making the 'what the fuck are you doing' face, making him shrug.

"you can sleep on the couch tonight." luke let out a small laugh, before he remembered his hotdogs. "um, you two dont break anything." he called on his way to the kitchen once again.

ashton and calum stood there, both glaring at each other as calum rolled his eyes, turning on his heel, making his way to the kitchen before stopping once he heard ashton speak.

"you do realize luke will leave you, right?"

the kiwi boy scoffed before laughing out rudely.

"oh yeah, thats why he tells me he loves me, ashton. not you."

"you don't know that."

"im sorry, who's name does he moan in bed?" the kiwi boy turned to look at ashton before he winked, walking to the kitchen.


"does he have to stay here tonight?" calum whispered, slipping one of luke's shirt on, crawling under the blankets as luke turned the light off.

"yes, calum." he replied for tbe sixth time that day. "now, stop asking."

"why are you so calm about this?"

"im not, alright? i am surprised on why he's even here."

"why is he staying in our house?"

"he shouldn't be thrown on the streets of a city he doesn't know."

"we can throw him to some frat house."

"calum!" luke whispered loudly, hitting his shoulder softly. "he's only staying here for tonight, got it?"

"fine." the boy muttered, rolling his eyes as he turned his back toward his boyfriend. "night." he whispered, closing his eyes.


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