Chapter 6: I Dare You.

Start from the beginning

After entering the cafeteria, Blue looked around at everyone.

They were very somber, and spoke in hushed conversation.

… She wouldn't have been surprised if she had somehow taken a wrong turn and ended up at a funeral. 

The only people who remained relatively unaffected by yesterday's events were Red's son, and Talon - although even Talon could sense something was going on.

On her back, Blue could feel Talon moving around to look at everyone, trying to deduce why they weren't smiling and talking like they had before all this.

She wouldn't be surprised if the little guy figured it out and got the gist of what was happening. After all, he had always seemed to sense when she was not doing well, and since most normal kids didn't act quite like he did, she assumed he was smarter and more intuitive than most.

That wouldn't surprise her, since her parents apparently had some sort of incapability to create normalcy.

Blue felt Green's eyes on her, and, unlike last time, she ignored him.

Maybe, if I ignore him, he'll go away. 

Blue's logic was strikingly similar to her parents'. Perhaps she felt that since that particular logic applied to her, there was a chance that it would work on Green as well.

Unfortunately for her, and everyone else on the ship, murderers do not simply go away when ignored.

If you're lucky, they'll postpone their plan until you are watching.

And, if you aren't, they'll do something else to catch your attention.

Why? Because all purposeful offenders want some sort of reaction, and they live for it.

It's their reward. Their addiction.

Blue sat down at the table next to Black.

And, just then, the lights flickered and went out.

Dead silence ensued, and then there was a scream from the other side of the room as people started to panic. Black grabbed Blue's arm, shaking and hyperventilating, and Blue clutched Talon to her chest as he started crying.

Last night, there were no malfunctions with the lights!

Then, a flashlight flicked on, and Blue saw Red holding it.

Ah. He must have kept one on him since yesterday. Good thinking, Red. 

"Everyone, calm down," he said, looking around to account for everyone. Further back in the room, Green looked irritated.

Like he's just missed a perfect opportunity.

Blue looked back at Red, who was definitely scared like the rest of them, but wasn't showing it for the sake of keeping order.

… Red, I think you just saved Pink's life.

For now, anyways.

"Okay, we're all fine. Now, all together, let's head to Electrical and see what's going on."

He led the way, walking down the hallway cautiously. Pink and Purple followed right behind him, and Green would have gone next if Blue and Black hadn't intercepted. 

You are NOT killing Pink right here and now. 

Green followed behind them, and Brown and Orange brought up the rear, glancing behind them every few seconds.

Black was attaching herself to Blue's left arm, although she had gathered herself together a bit more. She was no longer shaking, and Talon was firmly clinging onto Blue's right shoulder.

Despite her attachments, Blue kept up with Pink and Purple, and Red opened up the doors to Electrical.

Looking around, Blue noticed she was the only one who wasn't anxious in the slightest. 

… Even Green has an act going.

Hopefully people just take that as me trying to be brave or determined.

In a way, she was, since both Talon and Black were relying on her in that moment, and she had unconsciously changed her behavior to reflect that she was their protector.

When everyone was in Electrical, Red pointed the flashlight at the various wires, quickly inspecting them.

Pink found her way to the light switches, and flicked them all back on - the ship then turned from darkness to light.

There were sighs of relief all around the room, and Red put away his flashlight.

Keep that close, Red. Please.

Because I know someone who would love to take that away.

Most of the others decided to collectively go back to the cafeteria, but Blue stayed behind for a second.

She looked around the room, searching for anything that would have assisted with the outage.

She handed Talon to Black, who was calming down. Red was still in the room, looking around.

Pink was also there, silently inspecting the place with her observant eyes.

Green was at the doors, watching them look around.

Glancing at him, Blue spared him some attention, but then she glimpsed something.

A wire seeming to go into a vent.

She stepped over some wires on the floor, and made her way towards the vent. 

Seeing her observation, Red slowly followed her.

Blue squatted on the floor to pick up the wire - it was laced through one of the slits of the vent.

Behind her, Red inhaled sharply at the sight.

Blue looked back at him, and they locked eyes for a moment. She knew they were having the exact same thought:

That was NOT there last night.

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