The ultimate hope meets the warriors of hope

Start from the beginning

Next morning

I woke up hearing a message from my phone, I slowly got up and picked it up. The message was from Jin, they needed someone to take over for a teacher at a hopes peak related school and decided to have me be the substitute for them. I was sent a file showing me the students of the class and basic information. The class had 5 students in it, each of them are called Lil' ultimates and were put in the class for being trouble makers. They constantly have different teacher running that class sense most cant handle the stress; however, due to one teacher having an illness currently, they don't have a teacher to teach the class today. I read through the files as I got dressed in my suit, something felt wrong about the information though. I pulled up the file for what I would be teaching them and read through it before heading out, I followed the directions given to me in order to make it to the school. I looked around the area as I went to the teachers room. Since it was early, school hadn't started yet and most of the teachers were sitting in there. "are you the substitute teacher that Hopes peak sent?" "yeah, I've already read all the information that was sent to me" the teacher nodded and handed me some papers and a book "here are the things that you will be covering as well as the work to give to them. good luck" I nodded and started walking to the classroom. I grabbed the doorknob and went to open the door slowly, but I felt the door was a little too heavy. I pushed the door open and stepped back as a bucket filled with paint fell down from above the door and hit the ground, If I hadn't stepped back the bucket would have landed on me.  I looked around the classroom and saw the 5 students, they looked disappointed. I walked over to the desk and looked at the chair, it was covered in tacks and a whoopy cushion. I cleared off the chair and looked around the room, there were many other obvious traps but a few less obvious ones. 

I set the books and stuff down on the desk and looked at them, they each stared back at me. "alright, I guess we can get started with the basics since I haven't formally met any of you. I'm going to be a substitute teacher for the day, so please introduce yourselves and I will take attendance" First was Masaru Daimon, Lil' Ultimate PE. He has red hair and blue eyes, wearing the male school uniform with a white set of headphones on his head. He was rather rude and clearly showed his distrust. Next to him was Monaca Towa, Lil' Ultimate Homeroom. She was sat in a wheelchair, Green hair and eyes, wearing the uniform with a red hair band on her head. She acted nice but I could tell it was just that, an act. Next to her is Kotoko Utsugi, Lil' Ultimate Drama. She was sitting on the desk, pink hair and eyes, wearing the school uniform with a pink bow instead of the uniform's usual red bow with a pink hairband with horns on it. She didn't look at me at all, I could tell that something was going on to make her upset. Behind the first row were the 2 others, on one side sat Nagisa Shingetsu, Lil' Ultimate Social Studies. He has blue hair and eyes, his hair made it look like he had horns on both sides of his head, and he wore the uniform without any extra items. He was very serious and quick with his introduction. Finally, on the other side of the class, was Jataro Kemuri, Lil' Ultimate Art. he wore a leather patchwork mask that hid his face, only showing his honey colored eyes, other than that was just the school uniform. He was quiet and spoke very few words when introducing himself. All of them seemed to dislike or hate me, according to the files i read before they hated adults. The files didn't tell me why, but after seeing them, I figured that they didn't have the best relation with adult figures in their life. 

I let out a sigh and looked at them "My name is Y/n Kamukura, I'm currently a student at Hopes Peak high school; however, due to certain things going on, I am not going to school today so that I can be a substitute for your class." Nagisa raised his hand "Mr. Kamukura, If you are a high school student then why would they have you be here, are you the ultimate teacher or something" I shook my head "no, I'm not the ultimate teacher, I'm not sure there is even someone with that title yet. My titles sound kinda stupid, so I doubt you guys would care for them" Monaca spoke up now "Titles? as in more than one?" "yeah, I have 2 titles. One was given to me when I was scouted, and the other was given to me recently" Masaru spoke up "What are they?" I shook my head "I'm not old like other teachers. I'm a student still, so don't think the asking life questions to kill time tactic will work on me. If you really want to know more about me, then we have to get though the lessons for the day." They all sat down in their seats and seemed disappointed. I handed out their assignments and went back to the desk. I started the lesson, they didn't ask many questions, just writing down answers and looking bored. They got through the lessons quickly, finishing the day's work just before the lunch bell went off. I closed the book and looked at them "alright, its lunchtime. do you guys go to the cafeteria or is there some other place you go?" Monaca smiled a half genuine smile "we all eat here since the other people at this school don't like us" I frowned and looked at them "so you guys are outcasts then" they all went to Monaca's desk and sat there, taking out their own lunches. I watched them eating, they were all talking about something but I didn't really listen in. I looked at my phone and saw some messages from an unknown number. I opened it and read through the messages.

Unknown: Heyyyy Y/n, this Is Hiyoko
Unknown: I got your number from Chiaki
Unknown: Where are you? 
Unknown: why aren't you in class!
Unknown: Is this even the right number?
Unknown: I know this is the right number, why aren't you answering
Unknown: Its already lunch time Y/n where are you

I frowned and saved Hiyoko's number and then sent her text

you: Sorry about not answering, I just looked at my phone. I'm doing something right now for the principal so I'm not going to be going to school today, sorry.

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked at the students again, they all had papers in front of them titled 'Warriors of hope' with drawing on them. I walked over, stopping a few feet away "what's that?" all of them but Monaca covered up the papers. Masaru glared at me "none of your business!" Monaca just smiled "its okay, its not like its a super secret. we are drawing our own robot character" Masaru looked at her "Monaca! don't tell him that, we can't trust adults" Monaca shook her head "he isn't an adult yet though. so its fine" Nagisa nodded "that's true, but we shouldn't tell him too much, he hasn't told us much about him so its only fair" Kotoko nodded, still not looking at me "yeah...we still shouldn't trust him too much" Monaca nodded in agreement "so if he tells us about him more we tell him a bit" I stared at them "is this about me not telling you guys about my titles?" Monaca and Nagisa said yes while Masaru said no. I sighed and grabbed a chair "how about this, I will tell you my first title and then you tell me about the warrior of hope thing. Then I might tell you my second title" Monaca smiled and nodded "okay." I smiled and sat down "my first title was stupid in my opinion, Ultimate scapegoat. Whenever someone was in danger,  I would be able to help by taking the damage myself" Monaca looked at Nagisa and he sighed "we are the warriors of hope, we plan to make a safe place to protect children from evil adults." Monaca smiled and looked at me "alright, now tell us your second title!" I couldn't help but chuckle, which seemed to anger Masaru "What's so funny!? you gonna make fun of us too?" I shook my head and looked at them "no, I just find it funny. You guys are calling yourselves the warriors of hope. And here I am, Y/n Kamukura, Ultimate hope" the room was silent now, they didn't say anything. I figured that this would be a good chance to figure out how to help them "well, since you guys are the warriors of hope, its only fair that hope helps you for a change. I know this might mean nothing to you right now, but just know, I'm going to save all of you." none of them said anything, they just looked at each other. 



its been a bit since I uploaded a chapter, I was having a few complications here, but now I got back into the flow of typing my fingers off so I can finish this chapter and upload it. Since the answer to the game last time was in this chapter, that game is no longer valid. the answer was Warriors of hope. the bloody dress was Kotoko, Wheelchair was Monaca, books and drugs was Nagisa, Mask was Jataro, and the broken bottle was Masaru. the items represented their backstories given in the Ultimate despair girls game. I shall put a different game here instead. Its rather simple this time. Guess my Favorite Danganronpa V3 character (male or female favorite). the first person to guess it gets to decide the fate of Junko fucking Enoshima. whither she dies, lives, gets jailed, becomes a normal girl, or something else. since there are very few character in V3, each person gets 2 guesses. if someone can guess both male and female favorite i guess they can give a protection to a character. Until next chapter, bye. 

Ultimate scapegoat  (DanganRonpa x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now