7. It's getting hot in here

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Y/ns pov:

I don't know why I called him and as soon as I saw that smirk I instantly regretted it.
As Heeseung started coming closer to the trial room I got more and more nervous.

Y/n: You know what!? Nvmmm haha... This dress doesn't even look that good... Let it be I'll try something else

Heeseung: No no I say you try it first let's see maybe it's looking bad cos you haven't zipped it up yet

Y/n: Oh.. okay....

The worst part was that the trial room wasn't that big well obviously it was meant for just one person

I moved a bit forward letting Heeseung enter inside
He closed the door behind him as he entered

That just made me feel even more nervous and my cheeks started feeling hot and I looked up to see in the mirror what was wrong
It was then I saw that I was blushing

I quickly looked down so that Heeseung doesn't catch me blushing

Y/n: Hahaha it's so hot in here! Hahaha *laughs awkwardly*

Heeseung: *grins* Is it?

Heeseung stepped closer to me and he put his hands on the zip
As he came close I could feel his hot breath on my neck and I don't know why he was breathing all heavy soon his cold hands made contact with my skin which caused me to get goosebumps all over my body

Heeseung chucked and his lips came closer to my ear and he said

Heeseung: Don't worry I won't bite

Y/n: HEY!! Jus do the job quickly and stop talking!!

Heeseung: okay okay! Sheesh

Heeseung then tried pulling the zip up and after a few tries he was successful

Heeseung: Phew that was hard you know what else is hard?

Y/n: *wtf look*

Heeseung: Getting out of here without getting noticed! Oof what a dirty mind u got there!

Y/n: You remember that no one else can see you right?

Heeseung: Oops got me!

Y/n: Get out of here before I beat the crap out of you. *Ready to kill*

Heeseung quietly moves out of the room

Well all our efforts and my nervousness was in vain , the dress really wasn't looking good

I then changed into the last dress that I bought in the trial room

After wearing it I thought I'll ask Heeseung how it looks so I went outside to show it to him.
To be honest I wasn't sure if it was looking good or not...

This is the dress I was wearing

This is the dress I was wearing

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Y/n: Hey... uhmm how does this look??

As he turned his head to me he was stunned his jaw dropped and his eyes widened
Suddenly his face started showing a tint of red but he still didn't shift his gaze he continued to look at me

Heeseung slowly comes close to me and says

Heeseung: Are you stoopid!? This is Amazing!!! You look so pretty Y/n if it was me in place of that guy I would definitely date you.

My eyes widened and I looked at him

Heeseung: Ahhh no no no I wasn't saying it like that- I mean like-  Ahhhh! It's just that you look way too pretty in that dress nothing else...

I don't know why but his words just made me feel so much better
I smiled at him

Y/n: Thank You Heeseung because of you I really feel better

Heeseung: I'm glad you feel that way *smiles*
Also don't think we're done! We still need a good pair of heels!!!

Y/n: What!??

Heeseung: YESSS~~

Helloooooou my dear readers
So as you all know this is the last chapter i posted before the book goes on a short hiatus that is until my exams are over
So please wait for it and continue to support Stupid Cupid~~

With lots of love
Author~ ❤️❤️❤️

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