19. I'm ded

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H e l l o u  ppl~
Y'all must be wondering if I'm ded or alive
Me ded
Me so ded
So I just started 10th grade which is a verryyy important year for me
This year decides my future.
That's how important it is
Sooo I decided to completely go off social media. I don't use wp or snap or all that I used to T^T
So there are chances I'll write in my holidays but for now I will be focusing on studies more
The only thing I'm able to do in my free time and when I don't have tuitions and lectures is playing some Genshin Impact.  :3
So yeah y'all can add me as a friend on that ig if u play ¬w¬
But for now there won't be updates till my holidays begin-
S a y o n a r a~

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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