18. Yeonjun

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I jolted up on my bed and looked at my phone and it was 6am in the morning.
I barely got some sleep last night because the day is finally here...
The day when I meet my date
Lemme tell you I was nervous af. Like c'mon what do you expect? After getting rejected soo many times it's just scary trying once more...
I ran to Heeseung's room and saw him sleeping soundly. Aww he looks so peaceful while sleeping
As if I care haha 😙✌️
"WAKE UP HEESEUNG!" I yelled on top of my lungs.
Heeseung opened his eyes immediately
"What!? What's wrong, are you okay!? He asked completely flustered.
After seeing that reaction of his I felt a little guilty for waking him up this way.
"Im nervous af" I said looking at Heeseung blankly.
Heeseung looked at me

He inhales sharply in attempt to calm himself from the amazing wake up call he got

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He inhales sharply in attempt to calm himself from the amazing wake up call he got. But soon his expression softened "I get this must be hard for you and I'm so sorry to push you-"
Before he could continue I replied "it's fine"
Heeseung looked at me with relief
"To be honest I should be thanking you.. it's because of you that I could finally move on and get a little bit of my confidence back" I said with a smile.
He then grinned and asked "so so, you ready for today?"
"Yea I guess" I replied still feeling a bit nervous. " Eiii don't worry it'll be fine!" Heeseung tried cheering me up. I nodded trying to calm down.
"C'mon let's go have breakfast first and then we'll start with styling and I'll give you some tips maybe" Heeseung chirped
"Yayyy breakfas-" before I could finish Heeseung spoke " You're making it tho, we're not going out" "eh!? " I looked at him with disappointment. "That's your punishment for waking me up so nicely" His words laced with sarcasm.
":)) Fine" I said in a dead tone.
Heeseung then went to freshen up and I headed down to the kitchen thinking of what to make. Welp after some brainstorming I finally decided what I was gonna make huhu~

-45 mins later-

Yayy I was finally done hehe. I just finished plating when Heeseung came down with his wet ass hair 😌

 I just finished plating when Heeseung came down with his wet ass hair 😌

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Shiz he looked hawt +-+. Yea I know I'm being a hoe right now and that I have a friggin date in a few hours but c'mon he's such an eye candy so obviously I just had to keep staring at him. He stood in front of me and waved his hands in front of my face bringing me back to reality. "You okay?" He asked. "Yea yea I'm good c'mon let's eaaat!" I replied.
He then went and sat at the dining table and I went and bought the meal out.

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