Deja Vu

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Hi! I decided to post this so you guys have something to look forward to while I finish my other story! If you haven't read my stories, please go check them out!

PS: before we get into this, I really appreciate and love comments, so if you wouldn't mind, please feel free to comment or give me any suggestions! Anyways, enjoy this new story!

Phineas was taken by surprise when his best friend since practically childbirth kissed him on the lips.

"Isabella!" he exclaimed with excitement, and was happy to know she felt the same way he did.

"Hit it, Carl!" she said with enthusiasm.

Oh, no! He wasn't going to have a chance to tell her! They couldn't just forget! Stop! He tried to say something, but he couldn't figure out what to say, so he just said, "Wait, wait, wait!"

A flash appeared before he had the chance to say anything.


He woke up under the tree, next to Ferb, who was still softly snoring. It was kind of funny... Ferb was silent during the day, but when he was sleeping, he snored... a lot.

He chuckled and sat up. He sank down in relaxation, and then wondered what had happened. He didn't remember much from earlier, so he figured he must have been daydreaming. Minutes later, Ferb woke up. Phineas didn't even realize Ferb was awake, he was so quiet.

"Oh, hey, Ferb! When did you wake up?" he asked.

Ferb yawned and stretched.

"Oh, okay... so not too long ago. Hey... where's Perry?" he asked his silent brother.

Ferb pointed to the side of the house, where Perry had just walked out. "Oh, there he is! Good eye, Ferb!" Phineas said, and rushed over to his pet platypus. Perry was one of his favorite... living things.

He laughed and picked Perry up and brought him over to the tree. Perry's tail flinched in a reflex when he picked him up and accidentally smacked Phineas in the face.

"Ouch! What was that for, Perry?" Phineas laughed and rubbed his cheek, which was now red.

Perry growled, and Phineas took it as an apology. "Don't worry, bud, I'm not mad at you! Weird reflex, though..." he started, and then an idea popped into his head. "Ferb, can you grab an acorn?" he asked with a grin.

Ferb walked over to the tree and grabbed an acorn off of the ground. He handed it to Phineas, who placed it on Perry's tail. Phineas wondered what made Perry's reflex start. He started scratching the platypus, and when he scratched him on the side near his front arm, his tail went up, flinging the acorn across the yard.

Phineas laughed loudly, keeling over and hugging his sides. He ran to grab the acorn and tried it again. The acorn shot even farther, but this time it went into the house. Candace's room to be exact.

"Oops..." Phineas said, waiting for his sister to scream at them.

"Well, that was unfortunate." his brother piped up, as they heard a ping from inside. The boys flinched.

"Hey, Phineas! Whatch-" a voice started from outside the gate, but was cut off by a thundering voice.

"OWWWWW! WHICH ONE OF YOU LITTLE TWERPS DID THAT?" Candace screamed from inside the house.

Phineas saw Isabella and motioned her over, and then proceeded to cover his ears. The other two friends did the same.

Candace's red face emerged from the upper floor window, her voice cracking from how much she was screaming. She was interrupted by another voice from downstairs.

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