Chapter 5: Should I Take That As A Compliment?

Start from the beginning

Blue nodded thoughtfully. 

Red opened the door to Electrical, and then walked in, Blue following close behind.

Red inspected the room and wires for a long minute, and then muttered, "untampered with. Definitely turned off."

Not surprised. Green doesn't have the smarts to make lights malfunction.

… Unless I'm somehow underestimating his skill at being an electrician.

Red sighed. "That's sort of what I expected though. Well, still good to check."

He exited Electrical, and Blue decided to keep following him. 

Red looked at her with a strange expression. "You don't have to follow me around." 

Blue shrugged. "I'm trying to keep my mind of my nightmares, and I have nothing better to do."

He accepted that answer, and led the way past the lower engine to Reactor.

"So, why did you sign up to do this mission?" Red asked, breaking the silence.

Blue thought for a moment. The conversation was turning more personal than she liked.

But Red seems trustworthy. He wouldn't go around talking about my personal crap.

... And I think Red needs a distraction from yesterday.

You know what? Fine, let's try this.

"Well, I wanted to escape from my… home situation, and this was the perfect opportunity - leaving Earth itself, and getting paid a lot, which should be enough to help myself when I get back."

Red pondered her answer for a few seconds as he checked the reactor. "Is that why you brought your brother with you?"

"Yeah, I couldn't leave him behind."

When Red finished checking the reactor, he turned back to Blue. "Whatever is going on, I really do hope you two find your way out." 

"... thank you. So, what about you? Why did you come on this mission?"

"I came for the pay as well. I recently got full custody of my son after I divorced my wife, and I need extra funds for him, because she's not exactly consistent in paying child support." 

"I… I'm sorry about your wife," Blue said, trying to push a little sympathy into her voice so she didn't sound so monotone.

"It's fine, she was really toxic anyway."

"... sorry, I'm not good at offering emotional support," Blue said as she sighed, dropping the sympathy act. 

Red chuckled - a rare sound. "I noticed. You're one of the more serious people of the group."

"Who else?"

"Well, me and Pink." His gaze darkened at the mention of her name, likely because she was the one who helped him shove Yellow through the chute. However, he pushed those thoughts aside and continued, "you take it to another level though."

"Should I take that as a compliment?"

"If being serious is a goal of yours, yes."

Blue smiled a bit at that.

"You know, technically, we're not supposed to be walking around during quiet hours," Red mentioned as they headed to Oxygen.

"Really? Then why are we walking around?"

"... because, apparently, both of us are rebels and don't take rules that seriously."

"Maybe we should get the others to join the rebel movement too," Blue said sarcastically. "We seek to bring down the ship rules once and for all."

Red laughed out loud, and then remembered everyone was sleeping, so he quickly reduced the sound to a chortle. "Since when did you have a sense of humor?" 

"... Five seconds ago." 

Blue was a little surprised that she made Red laugh that hard.

When was the last time I made someone laugh?

… Maybe I should try this humor on Black. She'd be surprised.

And maybe she'd be proud that I'm making an effort and being nice to someone. 

And, just for an instance, the Green situation and the two deaths were completely off her mind.


A/N: How is the book so far? What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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