Three demons.

Two of them seem stronger than the last one, so they try locating them first.

Something is off. Is what he thinks as he seperates from the other two, the agreement to meet in an hour noted.

Kanao walks up the mountain, going the way a villager told her too. A house at the top of the mountain -- her train off thought is interuppted by a girl. A demon. She blinks at her, and Kanao blinks back equally surprised.

The girl -- Kamado Nezuko -- turns on her heel, and starts running away.

Kanao immediately starts chasing her, planning on incapacitating her if the need arise. Her speed is greater than last time, telling Kanao she gained strenght. She makes a sharp turn, before jumping and landing on a tree branch.

Kanao follows her with her eyes, making sure never to leave her.

She is taken aback when the girl lands infront of her, and mentions her to follow. She is stronger than me, but she doesn't want to fight. Kanao takes her coin out, and flips it. As it goes up, a blur catches it.

She realizes the girl grabbed it, and is now running away again. Deseperation hits Kanao, as the memory she has of the coin is precious. She bolts after her, and her eyes are wide as she looks for openings.

They reach a clearing, and Kanao slows down as she looks at a house. The house she was looking for. The little demoness runs to a man sitting down at the porch, hugging him as she passes him her coin. Kamado Tanijro. A voice in her head whispers, and she waits where she stands.

He taps the spot next to him, and she wants to grab her coin only to remember he has it. She forcefully walks and sits down, sweating nervously.

Attack or capture?

Obey or disobey?

Wait or act?

She needs her coin. She needs to know what to do next. Her mouth opens but no sound leaves it. "I'm sorry for what my sister did." Her head turns to him, eyes wide. "You need your coin to decide right?"She nods, her hands waiting to grab it.

"Can I use it to decide something then? I will give it to you immediately after."She nods, the faster she goes the faster she gets her coin. "Then if it's head, you will use your heart to decide, if it tails, you keep doing it this way."


Her coin is tossed into the air, and Kanao looks at it carefully, but she is thrown off balance by the girl suddenly leaning all her weight on her. By the time she looks, he already is covering the coin with his hand. He smiles at her, and she doesn't know if she should smile back.

She can't decide. She wasn't given orders. She needs it.

He slowly removes his hand, and Head is shown on the coin.

"What a relief! Good luck chosing with your heart."

She is handed back her coin, feels as she could throw it in a well, and it won't matter. Like the very reason why she chased Nezuko for her coin never existed. Her head feels fuzzy. "Oh, shouldn't you be meeting with your superiors by now? We will be waiting here. So you can go, and come back."

""She stands up clutching the coin to her chest, before looking back at the two siblings. They wave at her, and she shyly waves back before running down, her mind trying to calm down.

Chose with my heart...I will try....

Nezuko watches the girl leave, and is happy she didn't notice the use of blood demon arts. She had used a camouflage technique to hide and follow the three slayers from the beginning, and her brother had used his time deceiving technique to have time pass much slower from their point of view.

Running in slow motion was hard.

Are we really going to stay here until she comes back?

Her brother smile, calm and amused. "I said 'we will be waiting here', I never mentioned for how long, i also said 'You can go, and come back.' not that 'You can go and come back to us still being here.'"

Nezuko giggles, loving this side of her brother.I didn't know you could be smart.

And I didn't know you could be sassy.


"No matter. We have a demon to kill. Let's hurry before he harms anymore people."


"And...we have to visit Saburu before leaving the village."Nezuko still looks at him, expecting something he isn’t sure of. "Oh, we also have to thank Giyuu-san for burying our family."She is finally pleased, and she hops to the ground, growing in size at the same time.

They start heading down to the village, eyes travelling around the place for anything suspicious.

They arrive in the blink of an eyes, literally.

Nothing is out of order, but there is a horrible scent in the air. The demon.

It was suprising how easily they found it, it was no issue going for the kill. But when Tanijro sliced it’s head off, his blade passed underneath another eyes. Red met blue, as they stared at eachother.

He steps to the side, avoiding a rather pain looking stab to the back. He jumps away, his eyes slitting as he regards the two hashiras with suspicion. His sister lands on the rooftop he was previously on, before jumping next to him."It seems we cross paths again."

He sheaths his sword, eyes never leaving the two demon slayers. Kanao arrives, but she seems to hesistate to join the conflict, so she stands to the side. "If i’m not wrong you're supposed to capture us, it’s a shame we are in a hurry though."

"Kamado-kun, please surrender peacefully."

"You realize we are at an advantage in this village, right?"He looks at his sister, knowing what she means by that."Are you saying you’re going to use these poor innocent as an escape?"The hands that trail to their swords are noticed, and they decide to execute their plan. Tanjiro passes his sword to Nezuko, who hides it smoothly. "Indeed."

They both take in a deep breath, before screaming as loud as possible. "Help! Help! Their trying to kill us!"The three swordsmen are too shocked to react, but they immediately realize what they are trying to do. "Please! Help! They want to cut off our heads!"

Immediately the streets aren’t empty anymore, every village looking at the demon slayers with anger.

"I knew they couldn't be trusted!"

"Is that why they carry swords?!"

"Mama! Are they going to hurt me too?"

"Don’t you dare hurt our angels!"

The two siblings start running, looking back at the chaos with amusement. "That was mean." Tanjiro said as he jumped onto a rooftop, running next to his sister."Go ahead and surrender then."

"Let’s just go to the red light district."

Welp, that was a bastard move.

Remember comments add 10 years to my life spans

A demon or a slayer [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now