Chapter 5

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“ Third I think you're already fine I think i should-- right I'll stay ”

Two was about to leave Third cuz he needs to go back to their practice but his friend here just glare at him to make him shut his mouth. Third is currently eating a bar of chocolate on the bed of the clinic while scrolling through his phone. His brows furrowed when he saw the post that Neen made he can't help but to feel annoyed although he said that it's fine what annoys him is the people who involved themselves in this photo for example the comments that made him mad

“ why would P'Third like a brat like him? He's a straight guy ” Two said out loud while peeking through his phone

“ Two can't you move a bit? ” He said while he slowly pushing Two away from him

“ that was harsh ” Two said pertaining to the comment he saw from Third's phone

Third just shrugged his shoulder “ as if I care, they're just a big talk behind their fake accounts but they can't say that to me directly ” Third is offering his palm to Two that made the other confused “ what? ”

“ Ugh! Chocolate bar?? ” Two quickly give another bar of chocolate to Third when the latter started to get pissed at him.

That was his 3rd bar of chocolate for the last 30 minutes and Two didn't know if he can still give him another bar. Third just eat chocolates when he's frustrated, anxious or scared or even mad he'll eat chocolate to make him calm. So in other words he eats that most of the time but now he's trying to tone down he's eating habit cuz of their match you know that he needs to monitor his weight so that he can play freely but that plan of his is ruined by that junior.

‘ that junior? Or is it Khai that makes you like this? ’


Two was startled with the sudden out burst from Third “ I- I haven't said anything yet ” Two said as he carefully look at Third who's glaring at his phone

“ didn't know he'll be crazy ” Two murmur to his self

Third hates it when his mind is contradicting his own thoughts that was his thoughts his brain should just follow! He really looks crazy but that's his logic but still he didn't know why every time when he think about him his mind contradict everything! As if he always see Khai? He'll be given a chance to see him during sports fest in the university or a district match cuz they'll be representing the school so it's impossible to not bump on each other during the program but other than that no interaction at all. Except this 3 months he's sure he'll see him almost everyday that makes him start to think of ways to avoid him although he's sure that's impossible.

“ Third ”

“ what? ”

“ you're already eating the plastic wrap”

Third didn't get what his friend is saying but when he look at what he's eating he's already nibbling the plastic wrap of the chocolate bar he was eating earlier.

He quickly remove the plastic upon realizing it and hide his embarrassment in front of Two by looking intimidating but that way didn't work on Two. His friend just laugh his ass out cuz of how funny Third look like earlier.

“ Two! Shut up! It's not funny! ” he's trying to make his voice as tough as he can just like what his voice during their practice but he just sounds the opposite and that made him blush and Two to laugh more.

Two wipe the tears from his eye cuz of his too much laugh “ ok ok I'll stop ” he said cuz he saw how Third is really embarrass “ you know that I didn't laugh cuz I'm messing with you right? Sometimes Third you need to loosen up you've been like this since our 1st year I mean the senior is already not here? And the people here already know you although some of them don't like you. But seriously? You're trying to be perfect who are you competing to anyway? ”

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