Chapter 6

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“ so P'Khai really did punch him? ”

Third didn't answer Two cuz there's an approaching ball coming to them

“ Two! ” he called out Two and set the ball for him and the boy successfully throw it to the other side. They're just practicing but the rookies are giving their all, maybe because of what happened the last time.

“ yeah I didn't know why ”

“ that's weird ”

Third turned to Two “ what's weird? ”

“ P'Khai punching someone. He's the most reserve person I know and he'll not punch someone just because he feel like doing it ”

Third raise his brow when he heard Two if he's reserve just like what his friend said why would he do such thing?

“ maybe he didn't like to show his real self to others- MINE! ” Third suddenly said and spike the ball to the other side of the court.

“ hey Third! You can't do that! ” the rookies want to complain too but they're afraid of Third thankfully Two complain about it. He's the only one who can do it anyway.

“ I just did so yeah? Guys water break ” he announce as he go to where his things while Two is following him. He immediately drink the water inside his tumbler when he unintentionally heard what the rookies are talking about not far from them. He has no plans to eavesdrop but when he heard his name is included he can't help but to listen.

“ yeah from what I heard that 1st year is already not in the university because of what he did to P'Third ”

“ but that's not proven yet right? ”

Third's brows instantly raise when he heard that ‘ what do you mean not proven yet! ’

“ I know but you see how P'Third is so mad right? Im sure he's not bluffing or something but that didn't made him kick out in the university it's because he's the person who cheated on the exam last semester ”

“ really? Do they have an evidence to that? ”

“ from what I heard they have but I don't know where did they get it ”

That boy is the one who cheated on the exam last semester? Is that a big deal? Everyone cheated on the exam right? Unless he really meant to perfect his subjects.

“ Third are you listening? ” Third was interrupted from his thoughts he didn't notice that Two is calling him.

“ uh yeah what? ”

Two heaved a sigh “ I'm asking if you can hang out this weekend ”

“ why? Where are you going? ”

“ well my friend wants to treat me for a meal and he said I can bring one of my friend ”

Third look bored when Two said what his plans after he finish drinking Third didn't budge to react or something cuz he knew Two set this up “ tell to your friend that I'm not interested to those people who doesn't have balls to ask me out his self ” Third said as he put back his tumbler inside his bag.

Two whined at Third's reaction “ but Third it's free food please just do this for me? Please! ”

“ Two as far as I remember your family isn't poor that you need to ask people to date me for free food ”

“ Third that's not what I'm doing-- ”

“ then what are you doing? ” Third butted in

Two think for a few minute that made Third shook his head. It's always like this, when Two will tell that he'll ask him to hang out he's sure that there's something in it and most of the time he'll end up dating someone that he didn't know cuz Two will left him with that person.

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