Chapter 4

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“ Third! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! ”

Third look at Neen while the girl is clinging on him saying she's sorry for what she did last night.

“ you're really sorry? Really? ” Third said with full of sarcasm.

Neen whine at it cuz she knew Third is really upset at her but she can't help it her journalism instincts took over her “ I'm really sorry Third it's just the both of you look so good! ”

“ tsk I thought you already got home with your boyfriend? ”

Neen suddenly crossed her arms and Third already knew “ I broke up with him! ”

“ again? ” Third said like it happens all the time, well it happens all the time but this time it's way too fast.

“ what do you think? When I said I'll took a photo of you and P'Khai he said that we need to go?! That's why I broke up with him ”

Third just shook his head with the lame excuse of his friend, she's not a player but everyone knew she didn't take relationships seriously before she'll start a relationship to other people she'll clear that, there's only one guy that Neen likes it's the guy in her journ club and he haven't seen him yet.

“ Neen ” Third smile at her

“ what? ”

“ the photo. Delete that ” he quickly turn his back before Neen could say something.

He doesn't really care if people will talk something about him or against him but he didn't want to feed Khai's ego he's sure by now that he's having fun knowing that the pictures are now in the Internet and by the looks of it seems like he's the one who's in love to him which is not really true. Third had no time to explain his side of story to anyone else all he just want is delete that photo and he just hope Neen will follow him.

“ P'Third is it true that you like P'Khai? ”

“ P'Third are you dating P'Khai? ”

“ P'Third we didn't notice that you and P'Khai are dating already ”

Going to the gym that was some of the questions he encounter, if he could just shout at them he'll do it but the least he could do now is to to avoid suspension, he needs to behave.

“ Hey Third! ” Third look back to see Two running his ass out so that he can keep up to him as far as he remember Two has longer legs than him so why does he need to run like that?

When Two is already in front of him obviously he has something to say but he's catching his breathe, Third just look at him in a bored way.

“ you're done? ” Third ask as he scan his phone that he immediately regretted cuz of tons of notification from his Facebook and twitter, they're tagging him on what so ever that Third is  not interested with

“ you didn't tell me you're- ”

Third raise his hand in front of Two's face stopping him before he can hear another word that he didn't like “ stop right there. I know what you're about to say and it fucking irritates me since this morning so to answer your question? No.WE'RE.NOT. and we will never be okay? Just by imagining it gives me creeps! ”

Two sway away his hands in front of his face “ so the photo is not true? ”

Third avoid his friend's gaze then continue to walk to the gym while Two is following him from behind “ Third ” Two call him

“ the photo is true BUT the way everyone sees it is not true ” Third felt his phone vibrated he check it and it's Neen saying that she can't delete the photo she just uploaded. Third's blood immediately boil when he read Neen's message he quickly call Neen for clarification.

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