Chapter 11

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A week later, I have gotten to know my bodyguard, Cole Andrews, very well. I stay at home with Galexy and Cole to do my online schooling until I have to leave for work. Rain and I have been talking every day, and we're having our official first date tomorrow night at my house for an 'at home' date. Yes, I've told Rain everything about Jace. He is pissed at Jace, and very concerned about Exy and me, our safety.

Cole is with Galexy and I from 6 a.m. until dad arrives home for the evening, Monday through Friday. If dad has to travel for work, which doesn't happen too often, then Cole will stay with me twenty-four hours a day until dad returns home. 

Today is Friday night at 5 p.m., and I'm at work with Ms. Pearl, Galexy, and Cole at the bookstore with me. Cole will drive Galexy and me home once my shift is over, and that's when the bookstore is closed. 

"Pa-pa!" Galexy mumbles, raising his right arm upwards toward me while he rubs his eyes with his other fist, as he is tired. 

Lifting him onto my right hip, he instantly cuddles his face into my neck with a content sigh. Swaying us lightly from side-to-side, while I chat with one or our regular customers, Mister Kai, who is in his 70's. Mister Kia will tell me stories from his past, and his favorite to tell me are of his wife, Miss Kay, who sadly passed away ten years ago from breast cancer. 

"Now, where is his mummy?" Mister Kia softly asks with a gentle smile at Exy and me. 

"Techniclly I'm his mummy, and his other dad passed away almost eleven months agao," I quietly admit, while looking past Mister Kia as I try not to cry.

"Oh Jupiter, I'm sorry for asking. I understand that loosing your significant other is hard to handle," Mister Kia murmurs. 

"It's okay, Mister Kia, you didn't know," I whisper, making eye contact with him. 

"He's asleep," Mister Kia softly says, looking at Galexy with a fond smile. "He's the same age as my youngest great-grandson, Carter."

Smiling fondly at the lightly-gray haired man, who doesn't look like he is in his 70's with his tanned skin, and salt-and pepper hair, but he's very fit; "How many children do you have, Mister Kia?"

His smile grows even wider; "Six children - Kacey, Martin, Korey, Michael, and twins Kimberly and Kelsey. All six of my babies have four children of their own, so twenty-four grandchildren, and I have sixteen great-grandbabies."

"Wow," I breathe out in shock. "That's a large family."

Mister Kia giggles loudly at this; "I guess so, but I love having a large family."

Mister Kia ends up buying three books when he is ready to leave, and I then lie Galexy down in his portable crib I have set up behind the counter. As I straighten up, the door dings as Blake enters with Henley, which causes me to grin at them as they are so damn cute together. 

"Hey," I greet them since there is no customers in here at the moment.

"Hi Jupiter," they greet back with huge smiles. 

"Where's Exy, I'd like for Henley to meet him," Blake asks hopefully, while glancing around.

"He's napping," I say, motioning toward the crib behind me.

"Okay, can we hang out until he wakes?" Blake asks with a hopeful smile.

"Of course you can," I smile back with a nod. 

"Great, we're going to find some books to buy, and read until then," Henley says, pulling Blake toward the paranormal romance section.

"Jupiter, where is Galexy?" Coke asks from my right with a frown, as he's just come back from a very quick bathroom break. 

"In his portable crib, Mister Cole," I reply, gesturing toward him. 

Cole nods in response before asking; "Are you and Galexy going straight home after work, or do you need to stop somewhere?" 

"Straight home, Mister Cole," I reply, while heading to reshelv some books that were returned a few hours ago. 

"Alright, and will Mr. Brown be there when we arrive?" he questions while following several feet behind me in order to still keep an eye on Galexy.

"Dad should be home when we arrive. I'm sorry you are stuck watchign over Galexy and me," I honestly tell him with a small pout. "I'm sure you would rather be guarding someone important and not nobody's like us."

"Don't be sorry, Jupiter, as my job and you and your son are not nobody's," he assures me very seriously.

The door dings causing Cole and I to head toward the counter, as I start to say my greeting when I see Jace inside the door. He's smirking at me like he has won the lottery, which makes my skin crawl in fear and disgust.

"Hello Jupiter," Jace greets sweetly. "Are you ready to give me my date yet?" 

My body stiffens as the color drains from my skin. I don't register anyting around me, except Jace, and the fear he is causing me. I also need to make sure nothing happens to Galexy. I don't notice Cole pulling his hand gun from his holster at his hip, nor him aiming it at Jace. I don't notice Blake pulling Henley and Ms. Pearl behind the counter, so they can be safe and keep Galexy safe, too.

"Young man, you need to vacate the premsis now, never return, and leave Jupiter and his alone," Cole's deep voice calmly commands. 

Jace's attention shifts to Cole, and he becomes instantly angry; "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do, old man?" 

Cole smirks as he replies; "The old man who is going to make sure this happens."

Jace scoffs at Cole right before lunging at me, and pulls my back against his chest, holding me against him harshly. I can feel him reaching behind him with his left arm, so I think he's trying to reach the door to pull me out, but he doesn't. Instead he brings a knife blade up to my throat, just below my adam's apple, with enough pressure to make me swallow thickly.

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