Chapter 1

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"Hey Jup, I have an early meeting tomorrow morning with a client, so I'll be leaving here at 6 a.m., okay?" dad says from the door of the bedroom.

Turning my head to look at him over my shoulder, I nod; "Sure dad, not a problem. Do you want me to make you breakfast before you leave?"

"No son, I'm going to grab something on my way to the office," he returns smiling at me. "Are you about done, I'd like to spend some with the two of you before Galexy goes to bed."

"Almost," I reply, turning my attention back to my 1-year-old son, and zipping up his white footie jammies with yellow ducks; I have a hold of him when I turned to look at dad.

"We're done, aren't we Exy?" I coo at him, while lifting him off the changing table to blow a raspberry onto his chubby cheek, causing him to squeal in laughter.

Galexy looks almost identical to his other dad, Kyler, which is a blessing and a curse - I love that he not only is Kyler's son, but he reminds me of him physically, but it' hurts too. Kyler was murdered ten months ago when Galexy was two months old. Kyler and I were on a date that night, while dad was watching Galexy for us, and we'd only been gone for an hour when we were surrounded by ten men, who attacked us. While I was restrained by two men, one man stabbed Kyler to death, before he cut me from the lower part of my left pec, diagonally downwards to my right hip bone. I have a scare that is sitll angry and painful. Kyler died in my arms as the police and EMT's arrived.

Come to find out two weeks after this happened, the guy who murdered Kyler was a new member of a gang, and he had to kill someone to become a member. I was slashed and they didn't care if I lived or died as the took off when they heard the police sirens. The trial for this will happen in two or three months, and all ten men are in jail.

"Give me my handsome granson," dad gently demands, making grabby hands at Galexy as he holds his arms out to take my son from my hold.

Handing my son off to dad, I wince as I move wrong causing the scar to hurt, and I hope dad doesn't notice, but he does; "You're scaring bothering you?"

"Yeah, but it's fine, I promise," I tell him, trying to not only convience myself but him, too. "Let's go into the living room, huh?" I ask before dad can say anything else about the entire subject.

Yup, I avoid the subject like the plague.

"Sure, Jupiter," dad agrees, even though I know he wants to continue the conversation.

Heading into the living room, which is on the main level of the house, along with the kitchen, dad's office, and the laundry room. On the upper level are four bedrooms - dad's, mine, Galexy's nursery and an extra, plus a storage closet.

We spend the next half an hour together, and dad reads Galexy two bedtime stories, and gives him his night time bottle, while rocking him to sleep - he does this twice a week at his insistance. He loves speanding the quality time with Galexy, so I don't argue about it.

So, let me briefly tell you about myself and my family - my full name is Jupiter James Brown, and yes, my name is really Jupiter like the planet. I'm 17 years old, gay and a male carrier - a male who can carry babies like a female. I'm 5'8" tall, with a lean dancer's body, with dirty-blond hair that I sometimes dye black, and my eyes are blue, and I have pale skin.

Galexy has pale blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin, too. His vocabulary consists of pa-pa for me, g-pa for my dad, and Bla for my best friend Blake Moore. Dad is fucking built like a shit brick house, tan, dark brown hair and eyes. I take after my mum in apperance, and my mum, Star, died when I was 11 years old from leukiema.

"So, there's a work event next weekend," dad starts off when I return from placing a sleeping Galexy in his crib.

"Sorry, but not happening, dad," I instantly tell him, knowing exactly where this conversation is going.

"Jup, come on," dad groans. "It's a family event and you and Exy are my family," he pouts.

"I'm very aware of this dad, but I hate the pity stares and comments I get from them, from those who know what happened to Kyler," I sniffle, trying not to cry.

"Hey, hey, come here," he quickly says, pulling me into his arms for a tight hug. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize this. If you don't want to go, I understand."

Sighing softly, I ask; "Can I think about it for a few days?"

"Of course you can," dad softly replies, kissing the top of my head as he's 6'4" in height.

"I'm going to shower and go to sleep, since I'm pretty tired. I think Exy is getting another tooth in," I yawn, pulling away from dad - Exy was up on and off all night last night and has been a little cranky today.

"Alright, good night, Jup," he softly murmurs, he knows this is true, but he also knows I want away from the topic of Kyler and that night. "I love you son."

"I love you, too, daddy," I whisper, kissing him on the left cheek before heading back upstairs to shower and then sleep.

Scrubbing my body with my lavender and vanilla scented body wash after stripping from my clothes as the water in the shower warmed. Carefully washing around my scar, I then wash my hair with my lavender scented shampoo and conditioner. The entire time I'm showering, my mind wanders to Kyler - the fun times we had together, how excited he was when I told him I was pregnant with Galexy and the day our son was born - along with the two months Kyler was able to spend with him.

Kyler and I were enganged, and we were supposed to marry this summer before we went off to college. We had planned on renting an apartment or house together, but now we'll never be able to do either. I still wear my engagment ring on a silver necklace that was Kyler's, everyday. My ring is a thin silver band with two turquoise birthstones - one for me and one for Galexy since we're both born in December, and in between our birthstones is Kyler's - garnet, which is January. Kyler's birthday was January 18, mine is December 22, and Galexy's is December 24.

Turning the knobs of the shower off, I step out and dry myself off, being careful around my tender scar before rubbing another towel through my wet hair. Hanging both towels over the shower curtian rod, I grab my lavender body loting off the sink, to rub it into my skin - if you haven't noticed a theme, yes I love the scent of lavender. Dressing in a pair of black ankle socks, black plaid bottoms, and a black long sleeve shirt - yes, my favorite color is black, I then brush my teeth and hair. Exiting the bathroom that's located between my room and dad's, I walk into my bedroom with my dirty clothes, to deposit those into the wicker laundry basket by my closet door, then I grab my cell phone off the nightstand to check if I had any messages.

I have a message from my best friend, Blake, that reads; "Hey, are we still on for tomorrow night? I'm ready to hang out with my best friend and godson! I'm picking the two of you up at 5 p.m., so be ready, and I'll have you back home by 8 p.m., so my sweet Galexy can sleep soundly in his bed."

Smiling softly at his text as I type out my reply; "Hey, yes we're still on for tomorrow, and we'll be ready. We're ready to spend time with you, too! See you then! Good night, Blakey, love you."

Plugging my phone into the charger, I make sure my alarms are set, I lie on my right side with my right arm tucked under my pillow, and my left hand resting on my belly, just below the scar. Sighing loudly, as I close my eyes, I try to regulate my breathing so I can sleep.

Galexy sleeps through the night mostly, except for when he has teeth breaking through the gums, but he usually wakes at 2 a.m. for a bottle and clean diaper. He usually falls back asleep by 2:30 a.m., and sleeps until 6:30 a.m. Since tomorrow is Saturday, I don't have school, I'm hoping Galexy will sleep longer than normal, but I doubt he will, which is fine, too.

Falling asleep, I wake at 2 a.m. on the dot to Galexy's soft cries, so I quickly climb from my bed to walk across the hall into his nursery to gently take him from his crib to change his wet diaper before prepairing his bottle. Walking with him into the kitchen, I'm humming a song to him to help settle him until his bottle is warm. Taking us back to his nursery, I settle us into the rocking chair to rock us, while he drinks his bottle, the entire time, I softly sing 'Two of Us,' by Louis Tomlinson - his favorite singer next to Niall Horan and Liam Payne.

The song, 'Two of Us,' makes me think of my mum.

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