Chapter 2

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"When is Blake arriving?" dad asks, stepping into the living room where Galexy and I are playing with his toys on the carpet.

Glancing up from Galexy, I tell him after glancing at the clock on the wall; "In an hour."

"Pa-pa!" Galexy hollers, slapping his tiny hands against my left thigh.

Dad chuckles lowly at him as I turn my attention back to my demanding son with a raised right eyebrow; "What Exy?"

He grins at me with a drooling, toothy smile as he hands me one of his musical blocks, which I take and turn on before handing it back to him. He takes the bright green block with a giraffe on it, and chews on it happily as the block softly plays classical music by Bach.

"Guess he doesn't want us talking," dad chuckles, joining us on the floor, which causes Galexy to squeal happily.

"Hi Exy, how's my boy today?" dad asks him, when Galexy crawls into his lap - dad was at the office for a few hours today, and he's just returned home. 

Galexy babbles happily at his g-pa, who listens intently to his grandson with a bright smile. Dad says to him once he's done babbling; "Is that so?" 

Galexy giggles loudly at dad before lying his head on dad's shoulder, and dad turns his attention to me; "Hey, I was wondering if you've given any thought to seeing a counsler?"

"Um, yeah, I, uh, I want to talk to you," I softly admit with a dark blush.

"Okay, I'll call Monday morning and set everything up. Now, if you're given a choice, do you prefer a male or female consuler?" 

"Um," I say thinking as I bite my lower lip; "I don't care, I guess."

Dad nods while silently watching me for several seconds before answering; "Okay Jup."

Glancing at the clock again, I realize I need to get Galxey and I ready as Blake will be here in thirty minutes. Gathering up Galexy's toys, I tell dad; "I need to get us ready."

"That's fine, but let me put these away so you're on time for once," dad teases as he takes the toys from me with a wide grin. 

Rolling my eyes at him while picking Galexy up off the floor and into my arms; "One time I wasn't ready, jeez."

"Sure, only once," he jokes, shaking his head fondly at me. 

Groaning as I turn my attention to Galexy, who instantly babbles at me when we lock eyes. Smiling at him as I gently bounce him in my hold, and continues to babble as he snuggles into my chest, while chewing on three of his fingers of his left hand. Walking us upstairs to his nursery, I change his dirty diaper before changing him into a pair of black fleece leggings, a long sleeve dark blue shirt with a hood, a pair of dark blue socks, and a pair of black knock-off baby 'ugg boots. 

It's late September, so the weather is cooler, hency why I've dressed him in warm clothing. 

After changing his diaper and his clothing, I take us across the hall into my room, so I can change my clothes. Placing Galexy on the floor by a few toys of his, I close the bedroom door, so he doesn't leave the room while I'm in the closet getting clothes. 

"Alright Exy, papa is going to get clothes," I tell him, opening my closet door and entering. "What to wear?" I ask myself while scanning my shirts, while Galexy bangs on his brightly colored toy piano. 

Grabbing a long sleeve dark purple shirt with a hood off a hanger, a pair of black fleece leggings off the shelf below the hanging shirts, a pair of black ankle socks, and my black knock-off 'ugg boots. Exiting the closet and gently pushing the door shut with my foot, I lie my clothes on the bed and the boots on the floor by the bed, and undress quickly and start to redress. Pulling my leggings on before pulling my shirt over my head and slipping my arms through the sleeves while watching Exy play with a fond smile. 

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