Chapter 3

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Last night at the teen club was fun, but I'm not sure how often I'm willing to go, as I would rather spend my time with Galexy. I think I would go once in a while to the club, though. Blake tried convincing me to dance and flirt with several guys, but I'm not ready to do that yet. Blake met a young lady, while we were there, and they exchanged numbers, so they can talk. 

Dad's boyfriend, Harris, is coming today for lunch, and then they're going out together for a few hours. Dad asked Harris to be here at 11:30 a.m. 

Right now it's 10 a.m., and Galexy should wake up from his morning nap any time now. While he's been napping, I've finished my homework, cleaned my bedroom, done all the laundry, and I've just finished showering and getting dressed. 

"Pa-pa!" Galexy hollers through the video monitor, as I pull my right black sock; exiting my room, I walk to his nursery, where I find him standing in his crib and holding onto the railing. 

"Hi Exy, did you have a good nap?" I coo, kissing his chubby right cheek before lying him on the changing table, swiftly changing his dirty diaper, while continuing to talk to him. 

"Hey Jupiter, I have to run to the store to grab a few things for lunch, do you need anything?" dad hollers from the bottom of the stairs since he knows Galexy is awake. 

"Okay, and yeah! Can you grab a package of wipes and diapers for Galexy, please?" I reply, walking into the hallway with Galexy on my left hip. 

"Sure thing," dad agrees, blowing a kissing at Galexy, who giggles loudy.

"Thanks," I grin, while shifting Galexy on my hip slightly before we walk downstairs so he can play. 

"I'll be back before Harris arrives," dad assures me as he walks out the door, shutting it behind him, while I settle Galexy and me on the floor next to his toys. 

Dad returns forty-five minutes later with three bags in his left hand, so I ask; "Is there any more?"

"Nope, I've got everything," he replies. "Hi Exy," he greets him since Galexy has been softly whining at him to get his attention. "I'm going to put everything away and start making lunch, so it'll be ready shorty after Harris arrives."

45 minutes later -

There's a gentle knockon the front door, and as I'm closer to the front door than dad, I answer the door - Exy and I are still playing on the living room floor, and dad has been bouncing between this room and the kitchen, where he has lunch cooking. Opening the door, I smile at the man in front of me, and I have to admit that for an older man, he's very handsome. Not my type, but he's cute - he's tall with dark brown hair and gree eyes.

"Hi, are you Harris?" I ask, even though I'm positive he is. 

"Yes I am, nice to meet you, Galexy," he greets. 

Frown slightly at him, I say; "I'm Jupiter actually, Galexy is my son. Come in, please," I say backing up so he can enter. 

Once he's inside, I shut the door as dad and Harris hug, and Galexy crawls over to me, as he's not a fan of new people. Picking him up, I notice dad and Harris quietly talking as they walk into the kitchen. Biting my lower lip in shock that Harris never apologized for calling me the wrong name, or dad properly introducing us. Galexy lies his head on my right shoulder while chewing on his orange teething ring he had in his hand when I picked him up.

"Well, okay then," I mumble, kissing Galexy on the top of his short blond hairs, as I check to see if his diaper is wet - which it is; changing his diaper in the nursery, I then walk us downstairs, and as we enter the kitchen, and much to my surprise, I find dad and Harris already eating lunch. 

"Oh, I didn't realize lunch was ready," I comment, while placing Galexy in his high chair that's attached to one of the kitchen table chairs. 

"Sorry Jup, we were hungry," dad admits with a frown.

"Okay," I shrug, placing my son's bib around his neck, as I sit down to feed him two big jars of baby food before I give him the cooked green beans and a sippy cup filled with milk. 

The entire time we eat, I try to talk to Harris, but he ignores me, so he can continue to talk and flirt with dad. Finally giving up, I take Galexy's and my dirty dishes to the dishwasher, before taking Galexy from his chair to clean him up. 

"Finally! Now, we can be alone, Jaxie," I hear Harris grumble as I walk Exy and I toward the stairs. 

I can't contain the sniffles and tears that fall when dad doesn't defend me from Harris' comment. Taking Galexy into the upstairs bathroom, I wipe his face and hands free of lunch, before taking him to his nursery so I can pack a bag for the day and then to my room to grab my keys, wallet and phone. Heading downstairs, I head toward the door without a word to dad, as I need away from them for awhile. I get dad's happy with his relationship, and I'm happy for him, but it hurts being ignored and not defended by him when his boyfriend is being rude toward me. Buckling Galexy into his car seat after dialing uncle Jeffery's cell, I place the phone on speaker, as I buckle Exy in his seat in the back of my dark blue Jeep Wrangler. 

"Hey Jup, what's up? I though you guys were having lunch with Jax's boyfriend?" uncle Jeff questions when answers.

"We did, but I need out of there, can I come to yours for a few hours, please?" I answer sniffling softly.

"Sure buddy, the front door is unlocked, so just come in when you and Exy arrive," he softly replies, knowing something is wrong. 

"Thanks, uncle Jeff, we'll see you guys in ten," I reply before ending the call, as I shut the back door to climb in the front and drive toward my aunt and uncle's house.

Arriving ten minutes later, I park my Jeep on the side of the road in front of their two story light green colored house with a small sigh. The entire drive here, dad never called or texted, and I guess it's for the best he didn't. I did tell dad I want him to be happy, so he's doing that and I need to be happy and not act like a whiny bitch.

Sighing again, I turn the Jeep off, climb out and take Galexy from his seat, grab his diaper bag and head toward the door. Opening the door I enter, shut the door behind us, as I toe my shoes off by everyone else's. 

"Uncle Jeff! Aunt June!" I call out as we make our way down the short hallway that leads toward their kitchen. 

"In the kitchen, Jup!" uncle Jeff calls back, so that's we're we go - into their light blue painted kitchen with stainless steal appliances, where uncle Jeff, aunt June, Coooper and Connie are finishing their lunch. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to inturrupt your lunch," I guilty say. 

"Nonesense, Jup," aunt Jun dismisses with a soft smile. "Now you two come give me a hug."

Giving her a small smile, I give her a one armed hug as she squeezes Galexy and I tightly. Aunt June is like a second mum to me, even before mummy died, but more so after her death. The thought of her and mummy brings tears to the back of my eyes, which I blink away quickly.

"So, I take the lunch with Jaxson and Harris didn't go well?" uncle Jeff gently asks, once I pull away from aunt June.

Shrugging my shoulders at him as I say; "I shouldn't be bitching as I told dad I want him happy, and he seems happy with Harris. I tried talking to Harris and ask questions, but he ignored me the entire time. What hurt the most was they didn't wait for me to start eating, and when I went to clean Exy up afterwards, Harris mumbled to dad, 'Finally, now we can be alone.' Dad never said anything to him about either, and that hurt."

All four of them frown at this information as uncle Jeff says angerly; "That's bullshit! Jaxson should have waited for you and Galexy to eat, and definitly said something to Harris about his comment and ignoring your attempts to talk to him."

"What can I do? If I say something, then I'm lying about wanting him to be happy," I shrug back at him.

"We'll figure this out, Jup," uncle Jeff assures with a determined look on his face. 

"Sure," I nod, not knowing how, but I trust him since he's very intellegent.

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