Chapter 7

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By Saturday morning, I've convinced myself that Jace has changed his mind about being my friend, or wanting anything to do with me. I'm trying not to ponder on him or his lack of interest as I take Galexy and myself food shopping while Blake's at work.

I start working at the local bookstore on Monday afternoon. I'll be working Monday through Friday, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The owner of the store, Miss Georgia, is allowing me to work weekdays only, so I can spend my weekends with Galexy, and when I work either Blake or aunt June will watch Exy for me.

Dad wasn't happy with me when I texted him last night to inform him of my new job, as he still wants to support Exy and I, but he finally relented when I told him I need to provide for my son and me, myself.

Carrying Galexy into the small grocery store, I place him in the seat of the shopping cart, and buckle him, so he's safe while I shop.  Pushing the cart toward the baby aisle, I grab a package of wipes and diapers, before walking us toward the jars of baby food.

"Okay Exy, what kinds of food are we getting for you today?" I ask him as I look over the varity in front of me.

"The pears and spinach look great at me," a deep baritone voice comments from behind us.

Snapping around with my and on the cart, I come face-to-face with Jace, who is smiling widely at me. The smile drops off his face when I continue to frown at him.

"I'm sorry I haven't contacted you, I've been busy with college classes," he admits to me.

Shrugging at him, I reply; "Don't worry about it, as you don't owe me any explanation."

I'm glad to see he doesn't seem to be shocked or bothered by my son, so I think either Mr. Owen has told him or uncle Jeff has.

"Jupiter, I really did mean to contact you, but I've had several papers assigened, so I had to work on them," he continues to explain further, stepping so he's a foot away from us.

"It's fine, really," I say, glancing at Exy quickly, who is starring intently at Jace, while he gnaws and drools on his teething toy.

"I'm happy I saw you as I passed by this aisle, so I could personally explain to you," he insists, his eyes glancing between Galexy and me. "Who is this cutie?"

Cocking my left eyebrow at him, I say; "My son, Galexy."

"Pa-pa!" he chirps happily around the teething ring, while bouncing lightly in the seat.

"Exy!" I grin back, kissing his forehead, which makes him giggle loudly.

"You're really good with him," Jace comments, pulling me from the moment with Galexy. "Your family has a thing with names that deal with planets and the universe."

"I guess so, since my mum's name was Star," I shrug.

Jace hums in response to this statement, but doesn't question me on how I phrased my comment, instead he asks nervously while rubbing the back of his neck; "Are you free tonight?"

"No, we're spending time with my best friend tonight," I honestly reply, as I'm not going to bail on hanging out with Blake for Jace, even if he's being honest as to why he hasn't contacted me.

Jace frowns slightly at me; "How about tomorrow afternoon?"

Biting my lower lip harshly, as I try to decide what to do before answering him; "Okay, but um, it has to be after 2 p.m., and Galexy is coming with."

That gives dad and us at least two hours together tomorrow, not that I expect everything to be fixed in that time either.

Jace instantly grins in excitment; "Great! I'll text you tonight with the details."

"Okay that works," I agree. "If it takes me a few minutes to respond, don't worry as I'm doing something with Exy."

He nods in understanding; "No problem, and I'll talk to you later. Bye Galexy," he says waving at my son, who waves back at him.

Turning my attention back to the baby food, I settle on four jars of six different foods - spinach, pears, applesause, carrots, meat, and chicken. We then continue on with the shopping, and then check out so we can leave the store. After I buckle Galexy into the seat, I load the groceries into the back of the Jeep.

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