27 - Into the Night

Start from the beginning

"It's a losing battle!" I take his voice and raise the volume so it echoes across the parking lot. "We need to get out of here!"

There's no reply. I dial in to try and locate Jimin and Suga by sound, but it's all in vain.

The battle seemed to be in our favor at first, but the surprise factor has died down and now we've lost our upper hand. A little team of seven against an army of trained Fighters?

Did we ever stand a chance in the first place?

I feel Jungkook next to me using the disturbance in the air to give himself energy and boost the truck forward. I want to help him, but I'm torn because I also want to give Jimin and Suga more time.

My eyes scan the parking lot desperately.

The Fighters, now gathered together into one huge mass, start tearing up the ground around us. The 'quicksand' beneath us becomes more bubbly and they throw large bundles of rock and dirt in the air too. We're forced to curl up in the cargo bed so we don't get hit.

"Can you counter this, Taehyung?"

Taehyung looks up at Namjoon, then shakes his head. "They're throwing so fast I can't use it against them. And quicksand is beyond my skill set."

"Y/n? Jungkook?"

"They're controlling the earth directly, so using wind won't work," Jungkook points out.

We're out of options.

"WE GOTTA GO!" J-Hope's voice comes from the front. "They're taking us down. Permission to retreat?"

Namjoon steels himself and risks a glance over the cargo bed one more time. Then he sighs in defeat, seeing no sign of the other two members. "Go ahead!"

The truck zooms forward again. Jungkook motions for me to help him speed up the truck, which I do reluctantly. My heart sinks at the thought of leaving Jimin and Suga behind, but there's no way we can save them now.

We drive off.

I take a peek behind us at all the Fighters again, hoping for any signs of them, but it doesn't make a difference.

They'll be alright... won't they?

When we emerge from the parking lot and we're back onto the road once more, it's like we've crossed dimensions into a different world.

No more sparks fly in the air, no more beams of fire, no more earth launching.

It's just darkness.

Darkness and silence.



The Commander strides up to the crowd. "That was a hefty one, wasn't it?"

The Fighters take heavy breaths. They were ordered to act like they had lots of stamina to intimidate the enemy - in reality, they wouldn't have been able to keep it up for a minute longer.

"Well done. We didn't get the girl... but we did capture one of them. That'll have to do for now."

He glances at Suga.

Suga looks back with a glare more dangerous than any he's ever given before. It's one of revenge and fury and hatred - a warning of what's to come.

But the Commander just chuckles.

"You won't be laughing when we become the victors," Suga says.

"You don't really think that, do you? They just left you. They retreated! What makes you think they'll come back?"

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