A Secret to Hide part 19

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Chapter 6

Daniel arrived at Melissa’s at seven o’clock the next morning. She opened the door before he had the chance to knock. She was dressed casually today, but she looked amazing. She was wearing dark blue jeans and a ruffled blue shirt. Her hair was tied in a lose bun, and looked darker than usual. He thought, she looked just as beautiful dressed in jeans as she did in the stunning red dress she had worn to his friend’s dinner party. “How did you know I was here” Daniel asked
Melissa looked shy, as she saw the way Daniel was staring at her.
“I heard the car” she stated, “so I thought I’d come out.”
Daniel grabbed her hand, leading her to the car, “You look amazing” he smiled and Melissa couldn’t help but smile back.

They chatted in the car until they arrived at Daniels new apartment. Daniel opened the door for Melissa, lightly brushing against her breast as she got out.
Daniel was looking forward to spending the day with Melissa, he was enjoying her company a lot lately, and when he wasn’t with her he felt himself thinking about her.
They both got into the elevator and went up the four floors to the apartment. His apartment was at the end of the hallway and Daniel got out a key to open the front door.
As they walked in, Melissa could see why she had loved the place so much. It was so modern, so professional looking. She only wished she could afford something to live in such a gorgeous apartment. Although she loved her apartment, she was starting to feel like a change.
Looking around, Melissa suddenly noticed that the apartment wasn’t empty, instead it was full of what she presumed was Daniel’s things.
“You’ve already moved” she told him, wondering why he had asked for her help.
“I had movers come in last night and this morning” he stated, honestly.
Melissa opened her mouth, but Daniel interrupted her.
“I thought you could help me decorate the place” he smiled, “It could use a woman’s touch.”

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