Mine Just For The Night...

475 18 18

Eva's POV

His eyes are glued on my lips as we make our way to his penthouse. His fingers running up and down my arm feel like an electrical current charging through my body, making my blood vibrate. We lunge at each other at the same time as soon as we reach his bedroom. Our lips meet in a passionate series of kisses out of this world. time has stopped. our hands are all over each other, all over the place. We couldn't stop kissing each other even if we're forced to. His hands stop at my waist and he lifts me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and the next thing I know, we are both airborne. I close my eyes as the room starts to spin! I open my eyes to find myself pinned between the sheet and his sculpted body. I can feel every part of my body coming to life as our clothes disappear.

He whispers "I could get lost in your intoxicating scent for an eternity Eva".

All I can think about is his lips and tongue making circles from my neck to my chest. New feelings I've never experienced before are raging through my veins. I am completely lost as I've lost control of my body! Kris kisses are like a drug and I was addicted to him just with the first kiss.

I slowly place my hands flat on his chest and caress him thoroughly. I then move my hands up towards his shoulders and gently push his expensive jacket away which naturally slips off of his beautifully sculpted shoulders like something straight out of a movie scene. I briefly pause and stare at his eyes, silently asking permission to explore him some more by batting my eyelashes. His eyes turn lustfully darker. One by one, I undo his buttons and watch his shirt drop to the floor. Oh. My. God. He is insanely well-built. Making my way to his waist, my hand is slightly shaky as I undo his belt. He effortlessly steps out of his pants as soon as they reach the floor. I stare at every single inch of this creature from his feet all the way up to his eyes, lustfully taking in every single detail of his perfect anatomy. Where did his werewolf exercise? Easter Island? I find myself thirstier and thirstier as the seconds go by. I bite my lip.

"Wow" I whisper to him as I run my fingers over his luscious lips again.

Drunk with passion and uncontrollable desire, I climb into the garden of the gods without reservation.  

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