His idea was nice. This would be the perfect opportunity for me to get back at that bastardo. He has started doing something which is despicable even for us mafia people, which is saying a lot as we ourselves don't live a life by the law or any other rules. This man is blinded by his money and the power that comes from it. But what he doesn't understand is that this is all a huge swamp and he is only diving deeper with every step he takes. One day, he will be in so deep that nobody will be able to help him and he will be left all alone to rot and die in that abyss.

"I like this idea better. Don't waste energy on all of them and only target the selected ones. I think we will be able to find the correct one among them very soon."

"So do I. So, will you stay here the whole day? Or..."

Luca started to ask me but then trailed off. I don't know what he's trying to talk about.

"Did mamma call you again?"

I asked with a defeated sigh. I really am her son, looking at the fact that she is being so damn consistent about this.

"Yes, and I don't think she is wrong in any way. You-"

"Don't tell me what to do Luca. You know-"

I was cut off in the same manner.

"No, I don't know. I just know that your stubborn wish of not seeing her face is unreasonable and downright unjust, and that you are just being a baby."

"Being a baby?! Do you even know what you are talking about? Do you know that I saw it with my own eyes that day? I saw everything! You saw everything! And what could we do? NOTHING!! And I'm being a baby if I don't want to see her."

"For God's sake, stop thinking that I'm some indifferent asshole. I was there and therefore I'm telling you upfront that you are wrong in this situation. At least go visit her once a month? It won't hurt you to spend two hours a month with your mamma. Just go tonight, okay? I'm going to leave early because I have other business to attend."

Luca simply left after lecturing me like that. I tried to focus on the unending files piling up on my desk but couldn't because honestly, even I was feeling a tad bit guilty. That bastardo had such a good way with words that he possessed the power to make the mighty Tiger King feel guilty - something that I never feel, no matter what the situation is.

When I texted mamma to inform her that I was coming for dinner that night, all I got was a simple response of Thank you from her, but I knew very well that she couldn't have conveyed her feelings in a better way or with different words. For once, I forgot all about my promise to myself; for once, I felt happy after breaking the rules I made.

As I stepped out of my car and stood in front of a gate I hadn't seen in months, I felt somewhat like a stranger who was entering this door for the first time, totally oblivious to the house that lied beyond this door, but at the same time, it also felt weirdly familiar, like I have been living here for all these years even when I had clearly separated and bought my own house. These mixed feelings came up to me more forcefully when I heard the sound of someone opening the door. I, the man who was known for head-butting into situations without a second thought, wanted someone to give me courage at that time. A lot of courage.

When the door opened, I saw her standing there. She now looked so much smaller than me, maybe because I had grown to a solid six feet two inches while she was still at five feet three inches. Her beautiful golden brown hair now had a few grey strands in it, she had fine lines around her eyes and her shape looked slightly slumped, like she had no energy, but her eyes were smiling, just like they always did. She was happy to see me, I could see it in her eyes and at that time I realized, what kind of a blunder I had made. I left her to battle with this world on her own in such tough times and like a coward, kept blaming myself rather than staying with her. I didn't even deserve to be called her-

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