Chapter 1

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Dark and deep lovely woods, cold air, dark night, warm fire and bright stars, who doesn't love it?
Who wouldn't want to go camping so they get to spend some time away from the busy city life.

That was not exactly the case with Gulf. He used to be just like anyone who enjoyed such moments in life especially during his college days. But now, he was no more the care free student he used to be, being a proffesor, now camping brings responsibilities along with it.

He went through his list to be done, he had one thing left to be completed, that was to wake up the Sleepy Head. He went on to complete the last task in his list.
He banged on the door thrice " If you don't come down in half an hour, I am gonna head out leaving you behind and if you are coming then better find a good excuse to give me for being late."

The young boy who was sleeping soundly, seeing the sweetest dreams he could ,jumped out of bed just to land on the floor on his but. He knew that an angry Gulf was not the best thing to begin this morning .The two boys were neither friends nor brothers but they had none to be called as their own. So Gulf was the young boy's only family and vice versa.

" If you were going to be late as usual, then why did you insist on coming with me. Do you know how difficult it was to convince the higher ups to take a junior boy along with me on a camping for the senior students.

I am sorry Phi, I couldn't sleep last night due to excitment.
"What is there to be excited about.You don't even have your friends coming.Win are you hiding something from me?"

No phii....It's just my first time camping and even though I won't have friends there I have you, phi Mild and phi Boat.
"Good...but please stay away out of troubles and stick close to me, it's not just you I have to look out for, I am responsible for the students too.

Lying to Gulf was burdening Win, what he said was partial truth, but he can't tell the real reason behind his excitment, atleast not today may be some other time.
Gulf was the most important person in his life, he was his friend, a big brother and his role model.
Gulf always showed maturity beyond his age, at the age of 16 he took a 10 year old  Win, an orphan boy under his wings.

Mild are the buses ready? Inquired Gulf.
" Easy dude, why are you so stressed it's just a camping and we are not taking some playschool kids, they are all grown up enough to take care of themselves.
Back to your question, yes the buses have arrived and I have already asked the students to settle down. I , you and Boat are incharge of second bus, while Run and Eye would accompany the first one."

Win give your baggage I will put them in the trunk.
" No Mild let him do it alone, you and Boat are spoiling him too much, never letting him grow up, for God sake he is eighteen." Gulf rebuked Mild.
Oye look who is speaking, I am damn sure you are the one packed his bag and woke him up today morning. If we don't, then who else will, atleast let us spoil him untill he finds someone to replace us.

No phi...please don't say that you all means alot to me, especially phi Gulf no one take phi Gulf's place in my life and heart.
Gulf was touched by the Win's words, but he would never let him know that. He knew Mild was right, he have pampered the latter enough to the extent that he sometimes fails to remember that it's time to let the young boy out of his wings.
" Win didn't I tell you it's Sir and not phi at college, you are not different from my other students.

Boat did you take the count? Asked Gulf.
Yes a total of 25 students.
Gulf stood up from his seat to address the students. "Before we start I would like to brief you about few things, we would be having lunch on the way and would reach the camp site around four in the evening. While travelling if anyone feels sick or any other discomfort please let us know directly or through your representative.That's it for now, I hope you all have a great time. Thank you." Gulf sat back with Win taking the window side, while Mild and Boat sat behind them.

Bright come here?
I want you to keep an eye on everyone. Remember no alcohol in camp. One more thing, If you don't mind can you let Win into your group, the kid would go crazy if he have to sit near that tight lipped guy throughout the journey.
" It isn't a problem coach, nong Win can sit with me."
Win looked at Gulf for approval.
" Sir Gulf, please be at ease I will take care of your brother."
Gulf let Win go, somehow he trusted the representative.

Gulf had not been himself for the whole time. This wasn't left unnoticed by Mild.
"Hey what are you worried about?
As Win is already with us you have nothing to be anxious.

Mild we are going there again. Don't you remeber how it was when we went there last time during our second year. I still remember how I felt when we had to return, it felt like I was leaving behind a part of my soul. Back home I couldn't even sleep well for a week. I don't know how it will be this time.

"May be the sleeping prince was calling for you, I had told you even then but you guys never believed me."
Boat I still have no idea how you became a professor. Don't you know Gulf is being serious here and what are we four year old, to believe these  fairytales.

"Hey just because some things have not been discovered yet, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist."
Gulf don't listen to him, I am sure this time you will be fine. Everyone might experience such feelings at some point in their life.
It could be possible that may be you wanted to spend more time there so you had such feelings. So this time you can compensate for it.

Mild's words didn't calm Gulf's mind. Those feelings were still fresh in his mind. May be it was his curiousity at that age from listening to Boat's story that such feelings were evoked in him. But deep inside he still remembered how he sensed the call of the dark and deep forest.

Meanwhile for Win this was really a bonus. He had been crushing on the senior since he first saw him during a match when he had accompanied Mild. He was then at his final year in school, he studied really hard to get admitted in this college, even Gulf was shocked beyond words when the results were out. This was the first time in the last two years he got to have a word with Bright and also be close to him.

Phi what if there is really a sleeping prince in the forest?
Win who had heard the story from the seniors asked Bright.
" Nong it's just a story to attract people towards the spot. From what I heard the place is beautiful. If  all we find a prince we would need someone to wake up the sleeping beauty and you know everyone cannot be that special someone."
It was not like Win believed the story, he just needed some excuse to talk to him.

Once they reached the camp site the students were asked to set up their tents. Gulf let Win go with Bright and his friends even though he initially wanted Win to share the tent with him.
" I hope you all have settled in your tents, as it is already dark now and also as we all are tired we will just have a camp fire and some games tonight. Tommorow morning we can go into the forest." Run informed the gathered students.

Once the fire was lit everyone gathered around became story tellers, while the teachers reminisced the memories of their camp days the students where busy making their own.
Feeling of fresh cool breeze softly  whispered through the trees, the cold air embraced Gulf, he felt as if they were trying to tell him a secret.
He wanted to follow the magical whispers of old trees, he was magnetized , his legs moved on their own, in an unknown direction as if he was being guided by a mysterical force.

I had this thread in my mind since a long time, but I just wanted to know how readers would respond to my works. Since my first work which is still ongoing had recieved a much better reception than I have expected it gave me confidence to write this. So please support me though your votes and comments and when you get time please read my first work too.Thank you❣❣❣

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