Chapter 11

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Every mystery will have a story to tell, but now the story itself seemed to be another mystery to be solved. Gulf took a deep breath and slowly let it go, he needed to calm himself if he need to analyse what he saw now. Gulf.. you alright? Gulf stared at Mew when he heard the latter calling his name, but he didn't answer. He continued to look at the prince while trying to put the pieces together. Gulf...Mew called again. Yeah... I am sorry.. I was lost in thoughts. What were you asking? I asked whether you are fine, anyway let it be, you don't need to answer it. Why? Gulf asked out of curiosity. Because you would say you are absolutely fine when it's obvious that you are not. Did you see things again? Gulf sighed and faced the prince. Yeah... I did, but what I saw is just complicating things for me, now it's all a mess. So I am not ready to tell you now. It's okay I can wait. If this is stressing you a lot, then let it remain as vague dreams, at the end it's just some past that can never be changed. It's not that simple Mew, I know nothing can be changed, but I cant let it go, I need answers, I have the right to know why it's me of all the people? As you said it's a past of which you were a part of and yet you don't have answers for my question. Let's talk about this later. We have so many things on our list for the day and we have to return before Win leaves for his date.

Most of these huge buildings looks as big as my palace.We used to take weeks and months to travel but see now it just take few hours. Life seems so easy now. It's just a few days and you are already liking it here, not bad. It's too early to say I like it, but I don't hate it either, thanks to you and Win. Talking about that kid, you said you will tell me about him. To be frank, he is another mystery in my life. One night all of a sudden he appeared in my life, I tried a lot but until this day I haven't got any information about his origin, family or any relatives. The moment I saw him, I felt some connection and I didn't have the heart to give him up. As I wasn't 18, Mild's parents were initially his foster parents. At first he didn't speak much, it looked like he was terrorised, and the Psychiatrist and psychologist confirmed my assumptions. To everyone's surprise when we asked about it, he said he cannot tell as he made a promise, and his father has taught him a promise shouldn't be broken. Gradually with counselling and psychotherapy his condition improved, he started to initiate conversations with me and then it went with flow. Mew silently listened to Gulf. He never said how he reached your home. How can a frightened ten year old reach your home alone at night? There is something missing? You think I never thought about that, definitely someone dropped him at my doorstep, and I assume it was that persons only option to save him..... Finally we have reached the mall...Let me just find a parking spot.

Gulf walked in front and Mew trailed behind him. Mew found it difficult to keep in pace with Gulf among the crowd. Gulf noticed this a little late. He held the Prince's hand in his and walked by his side. I am sorry.. I should have known. Hey! I am not some small kid that would go missing in crowd, you don't need to do this. Mew, can you just keep your big ego aside, and no I am not leaving your hand, what if you really go missing? If you really want to hold my hands, I am not going to stop you, after all we are lovers right.Gulf quickly pulled away his hands and glared at Mew. You suck at flirting Mew, why waste your time on something you are not capable of. Okay, mark my words by the end of this day you will take back what you said, now lead the way. Gulf even though was taken back by Mew's challenge, but played calm in front of the prince.

Mew.. come on, get on, don't you trust me? It had been ten minutes since they had been standing near the escalator, no matter how hard Gulf tried Mew refused to step on. To say the truth Gulf expected this to happen and thus he decided to take the prince on this, than in the elevator. It was fun to see the mighty prince all scared. Every time Mew tries lifting his leg, seeing the moving stairs he pulls them back. Here take my hand, let's step in together if you are scared. Finally the prince agreed, and as Gulf said earlier together they stepped in. Gulf's one hand held the prince's hand while the other was around the latter's waist. See, you did it Mew. Yeah I did it... You held my hand again. Gulf's eyes widened in shock, he tried to pull his hands away, but Mew held them tight and pulled Gulf closer to him by waist. Mew.. what are you doing? We are outside and what will people think. You should know I don't have the power to read people's mind. Gulf it's true I have not seen things like this, but you really thought I would be scared to get on this? You fooled me? Is it my mistake you are easy to be fooled? You.. Gulf pointed his fingers and then huffed in annoyance.

Mew, let me know when you see something you like. Would you get that for me? Yeah... only if I can afford them. I will wear anything you choose for me, It's not like I know anything about all these. " Sir I think this pair of jeans and shirt would look good on you". One of the staffs approached them and spoke to Mew. Gulf had been observing her since a while, from the moment they entered the shop her eyes had been on Mew and for some reason Gulf didn't like that. You really have a great taste young lady. If you say so then I should give it a try? "Of course I do Sir" The staff winked at Mew which wasn't left unnoticed by Gulf and to his surprise the Prince smiled back at her which made the girl blush. Mew, there are much better clothes than this here. I will get you another one. " But sir your friend seem to like what I brought him, so let him just try this once and see." So you mean to say that you know what looks good on my boyfriend better than me?" Mew come let's check somewhere else. Gulf dragged Mew out from the shop leaving the girl speechless. can you speak like that. What would people think about us? Gulf glared at the Prince. What were you thinking when you flirted back with her? Don't tell me you didn't realise she was trying to get close to you? I just brought you out for two hours and you started chit chatting with people. So you agree I know how to flirt. See it didn't take me even an hour to make you change your statement about me. Gulf was losing last bit of his sanity, first in the escalator and now in the shop, the prince was testing his patience. Mew...Gulf called, trying hard not explode at him. You should know I am not someone who is always nice and calm. That's a new lesson I learned today, from what just happened in the shop. But seeing you look that made me remember someone whom I knew. Who? Gulf waited for his question to be answered. After a brief pause the latter answered Naira used to behave like this whenever she saw beautiful ladies approaching me. Mew looked into Gulf's eyes for a moment and then continued, You resemble her a lot. An unknown feeling rose inside the former from those words, but then he quickly brushed it off. Whatever... let's move. Wait....did you just mean that I behave like a jealous wife..... and thus the day was well spent with their small bickering then and now.

Back at home Win fell flat on couch tired. He had never worked this hard in his entire life. Back then he would find some reasons to excuse himself from heavy works, but today he wasn't lazy, because he couldn't afford to loose this chance to go on a date with Bright. " Finally Phi Bai is mine now". He squealed in delight. Just a few hours of wait and he could see his lover again. His stomach let out a growl, it was past lunch time and he hasn't ate anything since breakfast. He walked into the kitchen in search of something to quench his ravenous hunger. " It seems like phi Gulf forgot I am at home and I will be hungry, they would have eaten out and I have to settle with this cup noodles." So that's what you think about me after all these years? " You both are back?" Now stop eating that stuff and come with me. " Phi.... I am starving here...Then come and eat with us. " So you both didn't eat from outside?" Gulf patted Win's head, No we took parcel so that we can eat with you, come fast we are also hungry. Win hugged Gulf...." You are the best phi.... I love you."

Did you talk to Bright? What's the plan. " Yeah...Nothing much a movie date and then a dinner that's for now, phi said he would be here by seven." Mew and Gulf smiled at an excited Win. After lunch Mew went back to his room while Gulf had some pending test papers to valuate. Now as he was alone again, he thought about what happened during the whole day. Why did I see myself in place of Naira in the morning? Did I really sounded like I was jealous? But one thing that Mew said disturbed him a lot, now when he thinks he do resemble her a lot, Naira looked like a female version of him. Soon he realised it, there was something that linked him to Naira. He had felt her happiness, pain and love just as his own. Then who is Mew to him?

I hope you all enjoyed Mew and Gulf's unofficial first date. Please let me know your views on this chapter so that I can make improvements if needed in the coming chapters. Hope you all are healthy and safe.

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