Chapter 6

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Italics : Gulf     Bold: Mew

Mew as you have heard back there, Mild have told my colleagues that you are my..... you know right. Gulf couldn't complete his words out of embaressment and Mew who was smart enough to realize it nodded his head.
It's just a matter of two days as we would be leaving tomorrow morning; what I mean is that would be the best way to keep your identity know if we just try to behave like normal, you know how people like us behave I mean as Mild have already said.....oho Mew! Why are you silent? Can't you just say something.

What you want me to say. Can you make it clear. You are beating around the bush.
Mew you are doing this on purpose. You very well know what I am trying to tell. No I don't. I am sorry please enlighten me.
"Wow...So now I know it. I really woke up an arrogant, idiotic and spoilt prince from sleep, who can't even understand such a simple thing."
"Are you sure you and that kid are really not related. You both just behave the same.. childish. May be he got it from you."

Mew didn't know why he felt contented in teasing the young professor. Mew calling him childish didn't sit well with Gulf either.
"If you don't want me to give you away as a lab rat, you better behave."
"What is that? We never had that kind of rats in our Kingdom."
Gulf face palmed himself. He realized one thing, that the prince is legit at getting on his nerves.
" you want me to make it clear. Then let it be. We should behave just like normal lovers and trust me you would never want to know what a lab rat is."
Gulf raised his voice at the same time trying hard to keep his temper under control.

Mew placed his hand around Gulf's waist and pulled him closer towards him. Mew.... leave me what are you doing? Gulf struggled to free himself from the Prince's grips, the more he tried, the more Mew wrapped his hands tightly around him.
"Can you stay still for a second? If you can't stand my touch or being close to me then how are you going to show others that we are a couple. I was just teasing you,so will you please relax."
"You don't need to put up an act when it just two of us and all these are not needed people would just think that we are not a fan of public display of affection and now keep your hands away from me." Gulf replied keeping a stiff face.

Hey! You are speaking as if I want my hands around you, I was just trying to do as you asked and then still I am being shouted at. It's as difficult for me as it is for you too. I have never been close to anyone other than my wife.
As if I am so experienced in this. I have never been in a relationship so how will I know how would a couple behave.

Now Mew looked at Gulf surprised. He himself fell in love for the first time when he was twenty and that itself was late compared to his friends.
" Stop looking at me like that. I just didn't have time for all those and there was no one who caught my attention."
" My son was already one year old when I was your age. How do you expect people to fall for you, when the whole day you walk around with this poker face of yours."

Before Gulf could counter back, he was pushed back by a sudden force, the very next second he was wrapped around by a pair of hands and legs.
"Win don't you think you are too old to throw yourself around me. You are as tall as me and I can't carry you for long like when you were a kid."
But the boy chose to be unbothered by Gulf's comments and continued to cling on to his brother.

What is wrong with him?
What else can go wrong, something would have not happened as he wanted. You didn't understand he is not like me, but just like you "spoilt prince", who knows he might be having your ancestral genes.
Win don't tell  me it's about Bright.
Win lifted his head up from Gulf's shoulders. " How did you know phi? " Win knew that how hard he try, Gulf would eventually find out anything he hides, but he never expected to be caught this soon.
" Will you get down, you are too heavy. "
Win jumped down quickly waiting eagerly to know how Gulf caught his feelings.
" Win you should know that I can sense the slightest change in you. Just because I don't speak that doesn't mean I am unaware of things. So I knew about your little crush on Bright even before you realised it. I gave you a chance to work on it, and I never expected you to mess it up the very next day.

" I don't know phi. May be he was just being nice to me because I am your brother and you told him to take care of me. I was just a temporary responsibility that his professor handed him over. I always knew I might never have a chance with him, but in these last two days my stupid heart started hoping for more." Win cried as he spoke. He never felt ashamed to cry in front of Gulf, he had nothing to hide from Gulf who was always his safe zone and for some reason he felt the same with The Prince.

Win don't lose hopes. Did you tell him about your feelings. Win shook his head in denial. Then why are you accepting defeat when you have not even tried. I will help you win him over. Don't be sad please. Now stop crying. Mew as a Prince was never someone to console people, in fact he never had to, until his son Niran was born, may be Win was the only one Mew felt the need to console after his son.

"Excuse me Mr Prince, your thousand year old techniques wouldn't work in this century. Win I don't think your prince could be of any help." At least I have a prior experience even though it's a thousand year old and not like you who have not even had his first kiss yet. So if you say I cannot help then you are of no use too. Emotions people felt were same then and now are same Gulf. May be I can help you too in return of waking me up and caring for me. I don't want you to think I have no gratitude towards you.

If I could help him in everything else he did throughout his life, then I can deal with this too. Don't underestimate me Your Highness and thank you for your offer, but I have to decline it as I am very happy with my life now. " I think you both can help me equally. Seeing you both now, no one will say you aren't couples. Look at you both arguing over silly things. Gentlemen you are really giving off couple vibes."

You better shut up if you want us to help you. I need you to understand one thing that's there is nothing wrong in trying but you can never force someone to love you. So when the time comes I want you to let go and move on. The severity of the matter was evident in Gulf's voice. He didn't want Win to cling on to a hopeless love if things don't work out for him. Most importantly he didn't want the young boy to be hurt. From the very moment Win was under his care Gulf had done all he could to keep him away from sadness and pain, so no way he would allow the boy to cry over something like this. " So it's decided from this moment we begin Mission BrightWin."

Win left the tent with a happy heart. But what the two older men wasn't aware was, it was not just them who began a mission but Win too began one which he named Mission Begin Again which was the one he had been waiting for a very long time. He looked back at the tent that he left a few moments ago and made a promise to complete his mission at any cost. May be he was not always the  little kid people assumed him to be.

I am back with another update. Yesterday I unknowingly published it, which I deleted immediately. I am sorry for that. Thank you for your constant support for my stories. I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter too. I know most of you are feeling down after TharnType season two came to an end. I think every beautiful journey has to come to an end one day or other. It is inevitable. Sometimes endings are necessary for new beginnings. TharnType may have said good bye to us, but MewGulf are still continuing their journey. So cheer up everyone and lets continue supporting our Sun and his Sunflower as long as we can.❤❤❤

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