Chapter 9

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Bold: Mew            Italics: Gulf

" Phi Gulf why did you have to say that to Phi Bai?" Win was clearly annoyed by Gulf's previous actions.

Who is this phi Bai and what did I say? "Phi you know what I am talking about. Phi Bai is phi Bright and what would he think of me. How will I face him again?"

Oh! So when you embarrass me in front of Mew it's fine, but when I pay back you are annoyed. At least Bright is your long time crush and now you know he feels the same for you. But that's not the case about me, from day one you are embarrassing me in front of a total stranger.

" So you were having your revenge phi.. Wait, where is the Prince? Phi did you forget him in the bus.? I am not that irresponsible Win, he went along with Mild and Boat. They are waiting for us in the car park. I will tell Mew you forgot about him, as soon as you got your phi Bai.

" No don't say that, among us he is most attached to me, so what if he gets hurt. He is already sad and I don't want to add more. You should think of something to make him happy." Now Gulf was confused, from what he is seeing it's Win who is more attached to Mew. He seems to genuinely care for The Prince.

Win...I really hope you remain the same forever, but it would be good if you get a little matured in time. I want you to be able to live independently even if one day I am not there beside you.

" Phi can you stop talking like an old man. Even the thousand year old Prince won't talk like you. Where do you think you will be going, I am never letting you go again. Walk fast phi..." Win ran towards the car park, followed by Gulf who walked behind him.

Mew stood beside Gulf's car admiring it. When sitting in the bus he saw them on road, but seeing them this close he couldn't help but run his hands on it. " Don't tell Gulf that I told you ..... He is so damn feel free to spent as much as you want." Seeing how Mew didn't give him a reply, Mild choose to talk again..." Hey! how come you don't talk to me but you chit-chat with Gulf and Win. Before Mew could answer Win came running and threw himself over the Prince. If Mew wasn't well built then both of them would have been on ground by now.

Mew don't get fooled by his actions. He just realised that you were not with us when we were almost here. Is it? So you really forgot me?" Mew raised his eyebrows.

Of course, now he has got his Phi Bai, so he don't need you anymore. " Do you really think I can forget you? Phi Gulf is just trying to show that he cares for you more than I just act like you believed him." Win was back to teasing Gulf again.

This boy if he continues like this I am going to tie his tongue one day.

As usual Win remained unbothered by Gulf's empty threats. They decided to head back to their homes soon, as all of them were too tired. Win jumped into the back seat before making Mew sit with Gulf in the front. " Mew, whenever we are in the car we are supposed to wear a belt, for our own safety. I will show you this time, it's very simple and I am sure next time you will be able to help yourself."

Gulf leaned towards Mew and helped him with the belt. See that's it, so simple. Mew stared at Gulf. Yes it's easy, I will try doing it myself next time. I am not used to doing things like these...

Mew I know that everything here is new for you and also you are not used to do certain things on your own but now things are going to change.. From making your bed to the food you eat you have to learn to do it yourself. That's how life in the present is. Don't worry we are there for you, there is plenty of time for you to learn.

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