Chapter 14

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Gulf woke up in a place unknown to him. A place surrounded by tall trees and fragrant flowers of beautiful colours. He knew he was back again in those pathless woods. But he found himself calm, something inside told him, he belonged here. In simple words for Gulf it was just Sky above, earth below and peace within.

He wandered deeper into the woods, as if his legs knew where was his final stop. His legs haulted in the middle, there stood a young man in front, with his back towars him. " Hey... Do you have any idea about why am I here?" Gulf asked. There came no reply. " Listen dude... are you realated to Naira in someway? Then please... it's high time you tell me the whole story in detail. I am really not so pleased with the present set up, where I am given bits of clues as if I need to put the pieces together and figure out the puzzle myself." Gulf expressed his displeasure.

"Then please sit...we have a lot to talk Gulf." The man turned around as he replied.

Gulf was speechless, this wasn't something he was ready for. He felt as if he was looking at a mirror, the other man was an exact copy of him, nothing less, nothing more.

" What are you,.... my photocopy? Don't tell me you are...Naira.."

Your hunch is right... Natarin...that's my real name....but I prefer Naira....Mew's Naira.

" Whatever, I really don't care. Just tell me, why it's me?

You doesn't sound like you aren't bothered though. Anyways, I can answer your question in one word, but then knowing you well, we need to have a long talk. "Huh... You talk as if you had known me for a long time."

"You would know soon... Before we talk about you, let's talk about me. As you said, the puzzle is still incomplete, many pieces still needs to be fixed. I was born into a family of witches, at first I was too young to know what is different about me. But I was told that I am not supposed to tell anyone about me being a boy. I was always dressed in girls dresses. During the early days I liked how I looked pretty being dolled up. But as I grew a little older I started questioning things, it's not that I started hating how I am being treated,.... it's just I was curious. All I wanted to know was "Why?"

Gulf was very attentive as the other spoke. He was always a curious person, and that's what lead him here. " Am I boring you with my talks?" The latter asked. " You don't need to worry about that, you can continue Natarin... you have succeeded in keeping me entertained." Gulf replied.

" Natarin... it's been a long time since I heard someone call me that. It feels nice though..... back to the story. Getting things out of my family's mouth wasn't easy. Either they couldn't keep up with my consistent pestering anymore or they might have thought I am grown up enough to learn the truth... on my twelth birthday I was told who I really am.

I was a shape- shifter, once I am old enough to have control on my will, emotions and power I can take the form I wish.

" But that doesn't explain why you were brought up as a girl." Gulf interrupted.

I raised the same question and they answered me, though a little hesitant in the beginning.They believed I was the one mentioned in the prophecy, which was a boon and curse in disguise for me. A part of prophecy said " The one born on a blood wolf moon, the one with many faces shall be the master of The Citrine." As I was the only one born in the last ten generations on a blood wolf moon with the ability to take any form at my will, I fitted into the prophecy well.

" What's this Citrine?" Gulf asked.

Well Citrine was believed to be a gem stone that brings you happiness, whatever makes you happy you shall be given. But without my will, consent and presence none can have it though and also it doesn't show up untill the one mentioned in the prophecy reaches to it. As per prophecy everyone believed the master of The Citrine to be a man. So for the rest of the world Natarin was a woman, so that I could be safe.

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