A Very Burrow Christmas~ Harry Potter

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Summary: Harry and his girlfriend enjoy Christmas with their favourite people, the Weasleys.
This is a no voldy au so every one is alive and happy:')

A/n: this is written by me (missmulti on Tumblr) and @/pregnant-piggy on Tumblr

"Harry," y/n said trying to shake Harry's grip off her waist. "Haaryyy" she said in a simg song voice poking his cheek. "Wake up Potter!" She picked him again. "Ugh, lemme sleep l/n." Harry grumbled pulling y/n closer in his arms. "Five more minutes." He said snuggling his face into her neck. "Fine." She sighed playfully and melted into his embrace, falling asleep once again.

They were woken up properly when sirius barged into the room screaming "WAKE UP." He saw the sight in front of him and he almost let them be and leave. Almost being the word here, instead he called out to his best friend very loudly. "Prongs! Your son is trying to make you a grandfather early!" There was a series of clangs and crashes and ran in James Potter with crooked and a slightly red face. "What? Where?" Sirius snickered and pointed at Harry and y/n who were now waking up due to the commotion. "What's going on?" Harry asked groggily.

"Nothing, just sirius being an arse. Now wake up and get dressed, you both have to go the burrow today." James told his son and his girlfriend.

Harry groaned and nuzzled his face in y/n's shoulder. She giggled and pushed his head away, ignoring the googly eyes Sirius and James were making. 'Come on, Harry. The Weasleys are waiting for us. And you know how Ron gets when he has to wait.'
In the doorframe, Sirius and James chuckled, but one look from Harry was enough to send them away. He and y/n got dressed in silence, both lost in their thoughts.
When they came down, James and Lily were sitting at the dining table, both a mug in their hand and a smug smile on their face. Harry grumbled something about 'embarrassing him with their stupid faces' and James laughed loudly.

Still slightly grumpy, Harry ate his breakfast quietly. "So y/n, when are your parents returning?" Lily asked Y/n. She put her galss of orange juice down. "Oh, they'll be joining us tomorrow for Christmas at the Weasley's house." Lily nodded. "That's good." "Alright kiddos it's time to go." James clapped his hands together. Both Harry and y/n grabbed hold of their bags. One by one they walked into the fireplace and flooed to the burrow.

Harry reached first. He stepped out of the fireplace and and a second later out came y/n. She dusted the soot of her clothes and smiled at Harry. As Harry turned around, he was immediately hit on the face with a blob of frosting. Y/n burst out laughing. "You look so stupid Harry." She said, still laughing extremely loudly. "What a horrible day!" Harry whined.

The culprits behind the frosting on Harry's face walked to them with sly grins on their faces. Ofcourse it was fred and George. "Hello Harry, did you enjoy your Christmas welcome?" They said in unison. "No." Harry grumbled. "It was amazing, good job guys." Y/n high fived the twins. "Are you my girlfriend or theirs?" Harry asked her feigning betrayal. He put his fingers to his face and removed some of the frosting and rubbed it all over y/n's cheeks. She gasped. "No you didn't!" "Yes I did." Harry said mockingly.

Y/n took the piping bag from Fred's hands and squeezed it all over Harry's unruly black hair. "You've started war woman!" Harry declared and snatched the bag from her and ripped it on her head. "Ewww." She groaned. By then, all the Weasley kids had gathered, hearing the commotion. "Er, hi guys." Harry and y/n said sheepishly. "You had a frosting fight, without me?" Ron asked in betrayal. "Join in?" Y/n asked him. "YES!" He cheered.

Everybody grabbed some frosting bags and started throwing it at eachother. "What is going on here!" Mrs Weasley arrived, looking at the mess created in her living room. Everyone froze in their tracks and dropped whatever they were holding. "I asked you kids to frost cookies, not each other! Now clean up the mess. Stat!" Her face was red. The room was silent. "Do not worry kids, we got this." Fred and George said. They whipped out their wands and muttered a spell and the room was back to normal. "You're welcome." They grinned.

Harry Potter Characters  x reader oneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin