New year's kiss (Charlie Weasley)

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This is a new year fic requested on Tumblr!

Pairing: Charlie Weasley x female reader

Warnings: sorta angsty but fluffy.

Word count: 1.1k words


Y/n sighed as she smoothened her woolen sweater, reaching the oak door of the Weasley house. As she reached out to knock the door, it burst open and the Weasley matriarch pulled y/n into her arms. "Hello mrs Weasley." She said, still in the hug.
"Can't breathe." She muttered.
"Oh sorry sorry." Mrs Weasley broke the hug and smiled up at the girl.

"It's been years since you last came dear, don't you miss us?" She asked, a warm look in her eyes.
"I miss all of you alot mrs Weasley, but work is stressful and I barely get any breaks." Y/n answered.
She raised an eyebrow at the girl. "Are you sure that it has nothing to do with your break up with Charlie?"
"It has nothing to do with that." Y/n protested.

Mrs Weasley nodded and ushered y/n into the house where all the Weasley kids (minus Charlie and Bill) were seated in the living room engaged in a game of exploding snap. Ginny's head shot up, she saw y/n and a huge smile spread across her face. Ginny saw y/n as the older sister she never had. Although she had graduated a few years before ginny started Hogwarts, ginny had become quite close to y/n when she was dating Charlie and often kept in touch with her through letters.

"Y/n! You're here!" Ginny got up and ran to give y/n a hug. "Of course I'm here, why did you think I wouldn't come?" She ruffled the younger girl's red hair. "Because you knew Charlie would be here." She shrugged. Ginny may have been only 12 years old but she was pretty smart. Y/n laughed nervously and sat down beside fred at the table.

"So boys, what new pranks have you come up with?" Y/n asked the twins. Theh excitedly explained their latest invention and its side effects.
"So y/n how's st. Mungos treating you?" Percy asked. "stressful. But it's totally worth it." Everyone continued making small talk for a while until Charlie Weasley entered the living room. He dusted the soot off of himself from the furnace.

Y/n made eye contact with the second Weasley boy and immediately looked away and walked to the kitchen to mrs Weasley. "Do you need my help mrs Weasley?" She asked.
Mrs Weasley smiled warmly at the girl. "No dear, go out and enjoy with the kids." "But I want to help." She insisted.
"Oh alright, you can set the table and make the boys clear out the mess they created." She instructed.

Y/n picked up the plates and charmed them to levitate behind her as she made the boys clear the mess left behind by their game of exploding snap. After a few minutes of coaxing, the table was cleared and set. Harry and Hermione had also arrived and were busy chatting with Ron.

After a few minutes of conversation with the trio, y/n excused herself and walked out into the backyard. The weather was cold and she pulled her jacket closer to her body. "It's cold isn't it." Came a deep voice from behind her. "Yeah, it is." She replied, not turning around to see who it belonged to. Although in a few moments she would regret that decision.

"Hey." It said again. Y/n turned around completely this time and seeing the person infront of her, she decided to walk back into the house, not interested in having a conversation with him at the moment. "Goodbye."

"Wait." He said holding her wrist, stopping her from moving. "What do you want?" She said irritatedly. "To talk." Charlie replied, hands in his pocket.
"There's nothing to talk about!"  She said exasperated.
"I want to apologize." He said, looking down.
"For what? You broke my heart, over a letter! You didn't even have the decency to tell me to my face. And now you want to apologize? After 3 years!" Y/n's face was red, with the cold or with anger, we'll never know.  She pulled her wrist sharply from his grip.
"But-" Charlie started. "But nothing." Y/n said sharply.

"Just hear me out. Please." He looked at her pleadingly.
"Fine. You have 2 minutes." The (h/c) girl crossed her arms.

"You have no idea how hard it was for me to break up with you. But I had got a job in Romania and you we're so close to being a healer. I didn't want to destroy your dreams but making mine more important. I didn't think long distance would work. We would be so wrapped up in our work, we would have no time for each other. And besides, I was falling so deep in love with you I couldn't bear to be far from you. I couldn't bear to see your face when I broke up with you. It would break me more than I already was broken." Charlie finished with a sigh. He was playing with his fingers, unable to meet the eyes of the girl in front of him.

"I wish you would have told me that sooner." Y/n whispered, taking Charlie's hands in hers. "We would have worked something out, we both could have been saved from heartbreak."
"I know, I feel like an idiot now." Charlie chuckled sadly. "It's probably too late for us now." He said sadly.
"Not too late." She smiled. "I'm still mad at you though, you're not getting forgiven so fast." She punched his arm.

"You think there's still a chance for us?" Charlie said hopefully.
"Yes I do." Y/n placed her forehead on his and smiled at him.
"That's brilliant." He lifted the girl in his arms that had become very muscular after working in the dragon reserve, and spun her around. She giggled slightly wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Kids! It's almost midnight, gather round!" Rung molly Weasleys voice.
"I guess it's time we head in." Charlie said, both of them still in an embrace.
The two lovers walked with their fingers intertwined into the house. Everyone cheered seeing the them walk in and the couple blushed bashfully.

"5,4,3,2,1!" They all counted down. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" They cheered. Everyone turned to their partners and pulled them into a kiss, those who didn't have a partner, pulled their friends into a hug.

Charlie turned to y/n and cupped her cheeks. He looked at her, asking for consent for a kiss (because consent is important kids) she nodded and closed the space between them. They pulled apart after what felt like an eternity and stared lovingly at eachother. "I still love you." They said together and then giggled at the statement like young school children.

The new year brought a new start for the both of them and they would surely cherish it.
I was supposed to post this yesterday but I was too lazy to complete it so um enjoy this fic a little late😙

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