Cuddles and Birthdays (Remus Lupin)

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I just felt like writing a small fluffy story with Remus because he is baby and I love him so enjoy!

summary: its y/n's birthday and remus being the loving boyfriend he is makes her birthday the best day of the year.

Word count: 1.1k

Pairing: Remus Lupin x female reader

Warnings: mentions of food, kissing, I guess that's it?

Warnings: mentions of food, kissing, I guess that's it?

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Gryffindor girls dormitory, Hogwarts

"Wake up!"

Y/n opened her eyes sleepily only to be met with someone right in her face. Lily.
Her best friend practically screamed at her to wake up. "What's goin on?" Y/n asked, "why are you screaming bloody murder at what," she glanced at the clock on her bedside, "seven thirty am on a Saturday?" She covered her face with the soft blanket once more.

Lily pulled the blanket away from her face. "No going back to sleep mister. It's your birthday today!" She said proudly.

"It's my birthday? Already?" Y/n practically shot out of bed and all the sleepiness suddenly vanished. "Oh! It's my birthday!" She cried.

"Yes silly, now go get ready Remus is waiting for you." Lily grinned pushing clothes into y/n's arms. Y/n shot her a wink and a smile and rushed into the bathroom to get dressed. She felt a warmth spread on her cheeks and a giddy smile made its way on her face at the mention of her boyfriend. The two were so in love it was heartwarming.

After pulling on the red cardigan Lily handed y/n she rushed down the stairs to be greeted by the boys. Sirius dramatically walked towards y/n with his arms spread out and cried out loudly "they grow up so fast!" He proceeded to wipe a few fake tears away before pulling her into a tight embrace. "Happy birthday flower." He pressed a kiss to her head before letting go.

James immediately pulled her into a hug and spun her around. "So how's the birthday girl feeling?" He ruffled her hair. "Just because you're a giant does not give you the right to mess up my hair!" Y/n complained in mock offense. James laughed. "Well, lover boy is waiting for you. Better let you get to him."

After receiving a greeting from Peter y/n was finally in the arms of her lover. "Happy Birthday darling." He kissed the crown of her head and then her cheeks and finally her lips. Y/n deepened the kiss when sirius pretended to gag James wolf whistled. "Oi moony, we're in the room." He teased. Remus flipped him off and laughed at their childish attitude.

Remus led y/n out of the common room and took her toward the courtyard. "Where are we going remmy?" Y/n asked him, her eyes scanning the surroundings.
"You'll see." He replied pulling her along.

Y/n had to jog to keep up with remus' long strides. Finally he stopped before the black lake. A picnic was spread out under a large oak tree filled with delicious looking food juice. "Is all this for me?" Y/n said with awe.

"All of it. I got all your favourite foods." Remus said proudly pointing at the spread of food items. "Come sit." He gestured at a spot on the plaid mat. The two sat down cuddled together munching on the food and just enjoying each other's company.

After finishing their breakfast, y/n lay her head on remus' lap and closed her eyes. Remus threaded his fingers through her hair and she hummed in satisfaction. "You like that?" He chuckled, scratching her scalp with his nails. Soon y/n's eyes started to feel heavy and she almost fell asleep when Remus shook her lightly. "It's almost time for lunch, wanna go?" She nodded and stood up, holding a hand up for Remus.

After lunch Remus and y/n walked hand in hand to the common room. "what have planned for us to do now?" Y/n inquired. Remus hummed. "I was thinking we could go to my dorm and cuddle? I know you've had a long week with detention and tests." Y/n heart soared at his words, Remus really loved her and it showed and he never failed to make y/n feel loved.

They climbed up the stairs to the boys dormitory and surprisingly it was empty.
Y/n plopped down on the soft bed and snuggled herself in the grey knitted blanket and Remus pulled on a sweatshirt and lied down beside her. She pushed her face in the crook of his next and snuggled close. Remus inhaled the small of her hair, coconut. He felt happy with her close to him, as did she. He wrapped an arm around her waist and the two of them were impossibly close.

After a few hours, the rest of the marauders from wherever they were wreaking havoc. They walked in talking loudly about whatever prank they were going to pull next. When their eyes fell on the sleeping couple, James and sirius exchanged mischievous smirks.

The walked over the bed and exaggeratedly cried out, "Oh my eyes!"

"What have I seen?"

"Oh moony learn to lock a door! We didn't need to see this!"

Remus groaned slightly and opened his eyes. He internally rolled his eyes at his friends jests. "Just because Lily won't give you time of the day doesn't mean you can pester me prongs." He smirked. James turned red, his mouth opening and shutting like a fish. "Hey! That's not fair. She's warming up to me!" Sirius sniggered. "Keep telling yourself that prongs." James glared at him and was about to retaliate when Remus cut him off. 

"Now leave idiots before you wake y/n up." Remus commanded. "Yes sire, we'll leave you and lover girl alone." Peter bowed and the other boys followed suit leaving the dormitory. James' head popped through the doorway. "Oh by the way Lily said Remus time is over and she wants y/n to sit with her till dinner, so once she's up send her to Lily." Remus nodded as James shut the door.

Remus sighed and cuddled back into y/n's arms, she stirred awake. "Did I wake you up love?" Remus asked gently. "No, I woke up when sirius, James and Peter entered the room and started screaming." She giggled. Remus laughed. "They are idiots, but I love them."

"I better get to Lily soon or she'll have both our heads." Y/n stood up smoothing her shirt. She kissed Remus passionately. " Thankyou for today. I loved being in your company. I love you so much." She started at his hazel green eyes with so much love Remus felt his heart flutter. "You don't need to thank me love, I did it because you're the best girl in the world and I can't belive you chose me to be yours." He held her hands in hers.

With one last kiss, they parted and y/n left the room telling Remus one last I love you before shutting the door.


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