Leave it all to me (Harry Potter)

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Based on this request from Tumblr: hello, i hope you're having a good day! can i request a harry potter x reader where the reader's parents have high expectations for her exam grades, so she spends all of her free time studying and overworking herself, eventually causing harry to intervene and he assures her she'll do great? thank you :)

Summary: Harry sees y/n spiralling over work and the pressure from her parents isn't helping things, so he takes matters into his own hands

A/n: this takes in 5th year but toad face is not incharge :D cuz this is a no voldy au because Harry deserves a break (though that had nothing to do with the story I just wanted to say it)
I love how there are so many Harry's fics 🥺

Warnings: a bit of angst, a brief kiss, nothing else only fluff!

Pairing: Harry Potter x female reader

Word count: 1.07k

****Since first year, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and y/n l/n had formed a tight bond of friendship

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Since first year, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and y/n l/n had formed a tight bond of friendship. But slowly around fourth year Harry and y/n's friendship grew into something more. Lingering touches, casual flirting and longing stares became a routine in their lives. It was only after the first task with the dragon in the triwizard tournament that y/n finally confessed her feelings to Harry. She jumped into his arms after he won and smashed her lips against his. The whole common room whistled and cheered for them.

Since then, the two had been attached to the hip, even more than before. Wherever Harry was, y/n was not far behind. They always looked after eachother no matter what. Although it was usually y/n looking after Harry but you get the picture.

Flash forward to fifth year which was a nightmare for most students, pressure levels were high and stress levels higher.  OWLs weren't easy for anyone, well except Hermione.

As the year progressed, y/n slowly started pulling away from everyone and burring herself in her notes and textbooks. She would lock herself up in her dormitory and not waste a single minute. Harry was starting to worry about her, he didn't like being away from his love for very long.

One Saturday evening, when Harry walked into the common room, he saw a mop of h/c hair spread out across the desk. He went closer to the girl. "Psst, y/n ." He shook her slowly. "Hmm wha?" She jerked awake. Her eyes were crusty and full of sleep, her shirt was wrinkled and her hair was messed up. Harry thought it was quite cute.

"Did I fall asleep?" She anxiously gathered all her papers closer and fixed her hair. "I've got so much to do oh my god, how could I just fall asleep like that?" She rambled to no one in particular.

There was a letter lying beside her that Harry hadn't noticed before, he saw her eyes flit to it every few seconds as she gripped the quill hard. "Love, what's wrong." Her hands flew to her hair tangling in her locks. "Nothing, it's just - it's just." Her voice broke and Harry saw tears well up in her eyes.

"Let it out love, I'm here for you." She hugged Harry tight and told him about the letter from her parents expecting O's in the OWLs. It's not that they threatened to kick her out if she didn't, they'd love her regardless but the pressure to score well and make them proud was on top of her head and hindered any activity she wished to indulge in. All she could do was study, study and study.

Harry ran his fingers through y/n's hair as she cried into his shirt and pressed kisses to her hair. "Im sorry about your shirt Harry." She whispered. "It's alright, it'll dry. Now, tell you what, you're going to leave your books and spend some time with me. Merlin knows how long I've gone without you." She cracked a grin at that.

Harry helped her pack all her books and grabbed her hand taking her out to the black lake. "Sit down." He patted the spot beside him. They sat down cuddled together, Harry pulled her head to his lap and lightly scratched her scalp. "Does this feel good?" He asked she nodded happily. They spend a good hour just sitting together on the grass. "Thank you for getting me out here Harry, I really needed it." She smiled at the boy. He smiled at her and continued running his fingers through her hair.

Around seven o clock, the two of them Harry stood up and held a hand out for her to take. "Where are we going?" Y/n asked him. "Astronomy tower" He smiled. Y/n blushed, even after more than a year of being together, Harry could make her blush. Maybe it was his caring nature or his emerald green eyes that always held so much love and warmth for y/n that made her want to physically melt.

They slowly walked up the long winding steps of the astronomy tower, holding hands still. They reached the top and lied down on the cold hard ground. "The stars are beautiful tonight." Y/n mummered. "I know someone even more beautiful." Harry intertwined their fingers, and y/n felt a heat rise up to her cheeks. "is it me?" She asked playfully.

"No, it's Hermione." Harry replied cheekily. Y/n laughed cheerfully. "You sound me Potter." She placed a hand on her heart and faked a hurt look. Harry placed a hand on her cheek. "You know I'm kidding, in my eyes there's no one in this world as beautiful as you." He said sincerely looking at the girl with so much love as he balanced on his side, facing her.

"I love you Harry." Y/n blurted out. They hadn't said the 'L' word yet and she was scared she would he would freak and run away. But that didn't happen. A happy grin spread across Harry's face and he leaned closer to her, their noses brushing together. "You have no idea how much those words mean to me. I love you too, so much." He said closing the gap between them.

It was a sight to see, two lovers as they kissed under the starlight, unaware and unbothered about the world around them as the love they felt for each other wrapped around them like a warm blanket that neither of them ever wanted to leave. It was perfect.


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