Chapter 7

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Camila's POV

I felt so stupid right now, I'd let this stupid deal go way too far obviously as the look in her eyes only proved my point about the whole kissing thing... I should never have let it happen!

"Mila dude? Where did you go?"

Eva spoke from behind me as my eyes scan the room looking for the black haired girl amongst the crowd however she was no where to be seen

"Uhh.. I just had to use the bathroom"

"What for 15 minutes?"

"There was a long line will you just drop it?"

They knew something was up.. I could hear them muttering behind me but I really didn't care right now.. I just wanted to talk to her.. I mean she was the one who brought up the whole kissing thing anyway? She was to blame for this not me!

"Ok well we're gonna go get a drink you coming?"

"No! I mean.. I'm just gonna head back I'm kind of tired.."

Eva nod grabbing for C's arm as I began waking out from the large metal door leading towards my dorm, I noticed the lights on in Lauren's however and felt the need to act on the sudden spike of confidence that flood through my body, I lift my hand before knocking gently the door quickly opened shocking me as Sam's face peer back at me.. duh camila.. fucking idiot

"Camila? Uh... you ok?"


"Yeah I uhm.. is Lauren here?"

He shot me a confused look and I couldn't really blame him.. Lauren no doubt probably spent most of her time bitching about me in there anyway..

"...yeah? Why .. what has she done now?"

"Nothing! I just need to talk to her.."

I knew it was bold but the tangling anxiety in my stomach just couldn't let this rest .. I had to know what she was thinking and fast...

"Ok? Mami.. there's someone here for you!"

His voice echo before the familiar smell of perfume and freshly washed hair replace his body at the door with wide eyes and a scouring grin, she subtly slip behind the door shutting it behind her to make sure Sam thankfully couldn't hear our conversation

"Camila what are you doing here? You realise how weird this looks"

"What? What happened to you not caring what people thought of you? We're just taking!"

Her brow crease looking at me as if I was talking another language

"I don't! But Sam's gonna know somethings up if I'm out here giggling with you!"


"Big fucking deal Lauren!? God forbid he found out you were kissing me! Scum like Camila Cabello!"

"Wow what the fuck? Where did that come from? I have never called you scum in my life? And anyway don't come at me with that bullshit? You would never tell your little minions about me either!"

She replied, I guess I was a little too drunk/ angry to talk like a normal human being but so was she ..

"Those little minions are my friends! If I were to tell them they'd support me! But why would I ... it's just too crazy to believe! The girl who knowingly hates me is actually secretly fucking me?"

"Keep your voice down Camila! You're drunk!"

I didn't even care at this point.. I came over here ready to ask one simple question I hadn't even asked yet... but here I am.. yelling it up with miss LMJ

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