Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV

"LAUREN! Mama get UP! You're gonna be late!"

My somewhat sound sleep wash harshly called to a halt when the cold hands of my best friends body slam down across my shoulders shaking me violently overtop of the thick white duvet that I was happily wrapped within, my eyes barely open as a second shake force me to let out a wildly uninviting grunt slowly lifting my body reluctantly from my stomach and onto my tired elbows scratching at my sore eyes before quickly realising who had been in my bed the night before, my eyes quickly dart to the side of me breathing a deep sigh of relief having noticed she was gone, Sam weirdly got along with Camila but he knew for a fact that we didn't .. the last thing I want is him questioning me when I myself wasn't really sure what had happened..

"Sam what the fuck dude..."

I could hear the rasp in my own voice as the patter of his hurrying feet clap around the floor, my eyes not even bothering to reopen as I heard him sigh out into the dorm, yes I shared with a boy.. but let's be clear! He is very much into other men and although I should really be sharing with Lucy my assigned dorm mate she was happy to share with someone else so .. deal with it

"Maybe stop inviting girls over all night and you might actually be able to wake up on time?"

His sassy tone sank into my ears like an unwanted alarm, in case you were wondering this was a daily occurrence, the same wake up call, the same repetitive scolding ... But little did he know the girl in my bed last night was the one I made a point of bitching about all day long.. I sat myself up fighting back the yawn that fell from my mouth anyway before a sharp stinging pain flew into my chest finally forcing my eyes open into the brightly lit room, my fingertips fell down into my lap grabbing the material that had been launched my way only realising it was .. yep.. my bra

"I'm all about female empowerment but seeing .. those.. before breakfast.. nope!"

He spoke out turning around to grab for a bag you'd think full of books when actually it was rammed to the ridges with bottles of hair spray and various makeup pallets used for his drama and theatre course.. perfectly fitting by the way as he was probably the most dramatic person I'd ever met! I lace my arms through the straps of my bra not even remembering taking my shirt off? I fell asleep with it on? I sigh out into the room clipping it in the back before standing from the devastatingly comfortable bed almost whimpering as the cold air hit the bottoms of my legs

"Stop being so dramatic your mama fed your ungrateful ass with these things!"

I mocked playfully laughing as his face screw up into a tight unamused ball, don't be alarmed there wasn't a morning he didn't get an eye full.. in my opinion clothes are best left on the floor! It was only coincidence that last night I decided it cold enough to put on a shirt... I quickly grabbed for a Tee pulling it over my head before shoving a pair of fresh black skinny jeans over my legs zipping them up as they reach my hips

"Listen girl! That was in the past... we don't talk about the past do we! Well... actually maybe for a minute! Who was it last night? Blonde brunette?"

He asked even though I know he didn't want me to answer, it was more of a sarcastic remark to try and remind me how much he hated the whole one night stand thing.. speaking of, my phone was lighting up buzzing like crazy this morning, I kind of had this system going, it all started with me giving my number to a girl who then passed it to another girl and so on.. now I just pick up and answer like a well appointed professional... some may call it shallow but I just call it the 'college experience' nothing wrong with having fun right? Besides I kind of like walking around like some kind of celebrity!

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