𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 14

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'Living together?' Miller repeats, evidently surprised but she tried to remain focus.

'Well, I needed a roommate to ease the burden of paying housing credit, so, at first, I rejected his idea. But, things kind of shifted,' I slurred my answer, reminding myself that I'm not really supposed to reveal Wilson's intimacy issues.

'What shifted?' Miller continues.

I contemplated for a while. 'Oh God,' I sigh, 'I— I'm not supposed to say this, but knowing that you will keep this confidential, and hence,' I paused again, 'Wilson— he, uhm, is actually similar to me.'

'How?' Millers, as patience as always.

'We have the same fear,' I confessed and observed for Miller's reaction the next second.

'Wilson have fear for intimacy?' She gave a thought like something doesn't adds up, I wonder what's running in her mind in those two seconds.

'Yes.' I nodded.

'So you feel safe to have Wilson staying under one roof with you because he won't be initiating intimacy with you.' Miller summarizes.

'I guess, and I needed more inputs, details for my research, so, in anyway, it will be very beneficial to my job as well.' I pulled a grin across my lips.

Miller's expression were deadpan, she simply scribble something to her folder.

'Now, Rivvy, you have lower your defense mechanism towards Wilson, because he happens to be two of a kind like you. Which is neither good or bad and it's not for me judge. It's more important that you are slowly letting go of the traumas, and test the depth of the water. I can't do that for you, you have to take the steps yourself. But what I am certain is, you have found a person, not base on logical approach, but base on how your feelings is telling you.' With that, Miller close the cap of her dark pen. 'Like I've said, some intimate relationship are worth having even if it doesn't last.'


Once in a while, when I get to leave the office early, that's where I pop into the mall and go for some window slash groceries shopping.

Along the dinnerware isle, that's where I came across mugs. Inevitably, it reminds me of getting a housewarming gifts for Wilson. Maybe a couple mug would be ideal.

It's been three days and he haven't spent a single night in my apartment and not even bother showing up as well.

Nothing I've seen would best represent us except for this mugs, it have a three piece suit for man and a blouse with buttons for the lady. Say no more, I would say. Eventually, I took the mugs and head for the cashier.


A voice caught me and those familiarity never fades. I could recognize that voice instantly.

'Dave?' I watched him as he paced towards me.

After we walked away from the grocery stores, David suggest we pick up where we left off. I thought it was a good idea. We chanced upon a sandwich store to get our dinner at the same time.

'Ham sandwich with mayonnaise,' David still remember my usual order. I took a quick glance at his, and true to what I expect, he ordered a chicken teriyaki sandwich.

'Look, I'm sorry things turns out ugly when I left, Rivvy.' David brought the subject up, his voice is drown with remorse.

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