𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 13

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'First and foremost, we'll discuss about the rental fee,' I took the sheet of paper which I prepared it the night before.

'Any price will do for me, quote it and we'll jump to the next one.' Wilson sit on my beige tweed sofa with his leg across.

I put the paper down and watch Wilson with a straight lips, 'Wil Fitz, you're not being serious.'

'I assure you I am in my outmost sincerity in this agreement that we are discussing.' Wilson chuckles without any sign of remorse.

'Number two, the bills—,'

'Include it in my rental fee too,' he cuts.

I shake my head and tick rules number two. 'In the situation where you are moving out—'

'That wouldn't be possible under any circumstances, unless I'm being chase away.' He glee.

'Number four, regarding pets—,'

He cuts again, 'that won't be necessary, I'm afraid I'll do more sin by having pets, they might starve to death before I remember to feed them.'

There's certainly more to learn about Wilson Fitzgerald. 'Your schedule, say what time do you reach home every night, day, maybe? The bar is the last place you'll be hanging around every night, right? So, I'll need your courtesy of not waking me up in the midnight with all your shenanigans.'

'That would be uncertain, but of course, I promise your slumber would not be intruded, Moon River.' With complacency, he assures.

'Privacy,' I mentioned with uncertainty. 'Well, we should really discuss this.'

'At least we know for certain that we won't be knocking at each other's  door begging for intercourse.' Wilson said it out loud and that clearly paused the entire conversation for quite a while.

'I mean, yes, that's—that's one of them,' I clear my throat, 'you still have to knock on my door when you are looking for me and likewise, I'll do the same.'

'Of course, that's basic manners. Although I grew up without an actual parental figure, but certainly I do know how to behave like a true gentleman, Moony.' Wilson refuted, defending his integrity. 

I nodded and jump to the next rules, 'Okay, we got that privacy section covered, now, about guests. I hope you'll informed me if you have guest coming over, but, please, you have a building and a beach house to accommodate them, so, preferably, I wouldn't favor the idea of guest coming here.' I specified, as an a true introvert beings, home is my sanctuary, my very own cave and such.

'You do have a lot of rules, don't you, Moon River?' Wilson raise his brows in surprise.

'You'll be surprise, now, the cleaning schedule and chores—,'

Again, Wilson cuts me, 'Marcus will have that covered.'

'Marcus is coming to clean the house?' I asked.

'Technically, our cleaning service will be here to sanitize the entire house, Marie Kondo and Martha Steward would approved them, don't worry. Wilson grin with confidence.

'Did you hear what you just said? I don't fancy having an entire squat of SWAT team equivalent to clean my house, Wil?' I disagree.

'So, points taken, I'll only have Marcus alone to clean my room, how about that?' Wilson negotiates.

I rolled my eyes. 'Deal,'

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