𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2

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The weekend has recharged me enormously, cleaning my house, sorting the stuff and clearing everything that is visible on the desk.

Plus, one important task has been completed, that is posting my apartment to the web, seeking for a potential roomie who would decrease my burden of paying for this house. Losing David is undeniably taxing, since the housing loan is wrecking my hormones.

Talking about hormones, the unavoidable effect of such vexing issue were taking a toll on my face. I was presented yet again with another bump on my chin. I mean, how is it possible that I'm still getting one despite following all the necessary steps for preventing one, can't blame me for having trust issues, can you?

'Pheebs wants you in her room,' Lewis drops the message as he walked pass. 'By the way, my wife is asking about dinner, how does tomorrow sounds?'

'If there's no Chow Mien, I'm not going,' it's a harmless warning, Lewis' wife, Kylie is my best buddy, ever since her twins arrive, there's so many activities we had to forgo to accommodate the two little humans.

'You got it,' Lewis voiced while he was back facing me. 'Pheebs is waiting,' he warns.

I have a sense of foreboding this isn't going to run well, Phoebe shuts her blinds, one of those days where her episode of bipolar disorder acts again.

After getting her response when I knocked, I peered inside her room to catch a glimpse, this nanosecond of scanning might save me from her hazardous attack.

'I heard you were looking for me, Pheebs? What's up?' I fiddle with my top button as I slowly pace towards her.

'The other ladies have found themselves a, well, partner to proceed with their research, what about yours, Riv? I hope you are taking your job seriously, Riv, you have done a wonderful job so far and I expect so much from you,' Phoebe palms her face, an extreme bipolar disorder is causing her depression, I believe.

'Look, Pheebs, well, I mean, I'm not sure am I suitable for this task, because—,' I'm struggling to find before another level of bipolar disorder notch up her emotion.

Guess I'm too late.

Phoebe is sobbing.

'Pheebs?' I softly croon her name. 'Are you okay?'

'No, I'm not, River. If our team did not perform well— I mean, I have three dogs to feed at home, I can't afford to have any failure in my career,' she wail even louder.

'Okay, I promise I'll try okay, Pheebs? Just, please, get hold of your yourself, please.' I relented. I can't stand Phoebe crying her lungs out like I murdered her dogs or something.

'Really? You will?' She stops sobbing, wiping her tears away, and accidentally dislocated her fake eye lashes. 'Great, don't make me wait for your good news,' she grin like nothing happened, even though it's only a mere seconds before.

I trudged out of her room, feeling like I've been robbed or deceived. Her emotions isn't making sense, maybe she has been pretending all along.

With that, there's only one person who could help me.

His voice and witty sense of humor has been showing up in my mind during the weekend. Of course, that charming smile of his. I can't believe he would cast those effect on me.


The Chandelier Bar wasn't that crowded as it was compare with last Friday. In fact, I don't even see any soul here except the bartender and the receptionist. Such extremity would occur in such lavish venue, I thought.

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