Chapter 10

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Kayla's POV

"So y'all been through the most the last couple of days." I asked Brooklyn wiping spots of blood off of her face.

"Just the last couple of hours." She looked shook up still so I figured.

"And Bri. Out of all people saved yo life?" I was shocked. After what bri did to her I wouldn't even let her help me I would've killed her ass 😑

"Yea." I didn't care I was just happy I got out of that bit alive. I haven't even talked to Laron." I gave her the phone and she called and told him she was okay.

"And stop getting so worked up over stuff brooklyn you got a baby to take care of in four months, you don't even need a boyfriend or to have yo life in danger! You know you could've lost yo baby last night? You staying with me and you not bout to be putting my life in danger.

"Okay Kayla dang." I hate to be the one to treat her like im her mom but somebody got to cause she don't have a mother nor a father figure. That's a damn shame.

"We'll look I got to go to work. I'll be back by two just stay safe and I'll do the same."

"Where you working at 10 at night? A strip club." She said jokingly.

"Uh- um no- very funny brooklyn." I couldn't tell her or anybody else what I do for a living because they'd judge me like everybody else. Im just tryna get money for college nothing more and nothing less.

Brooklyn's POV

I heard a knock on the door and peeped through the hole to see who it was. I was still paranoid asf. When I saw that it was Laron I pulled him inside.

"Laron! I missed you so much." I gave him a big hug and kissed him passionately.

"Yea, I missed you too ma. I'm happy you okay." He sat down on the couch and pulled me on his lap.

"I got a place in ATL. I just wanted to make sure you wanted to go that far.

"And leave all my family and friends behind? I can't do that." I got off of his lap.

"Look brooklyn, im leaving and I have no choice, it's not good for me out here im tryna do what's best for me! For us! You not safe down here either baby I know you don't want the baby put in danger right?" He was speaking the truth but I didn't care. My little friends and family were all I had and I wasn't about to leave them behind.

"No, I'm not going. I can't leave this is where I grew up and where all my memories are." I was starting to get emotional but I didn't let it show.

"Your worst memories! During this whole time you've been through so much and you gone go through more if you stay here! Im asking you right here! Right now to be my girl and come with me."

"I'm sorry Laron but it's just not what I wanna do." I stopped fighting back tears by then and let them fall.

"okay." Was all he managed to choke out. He gave me a kiss on my cheek and told me good bye. This just might be the biggest mistake of my life...

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