Chapter 14

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Everything is good, until everything isn’t.

Jin is stressed with work, a huge deadline hanging over everyone’s head, and even though Jungkook urges him to go home some days, he can’t.

So it’s even more disappointing, when on these rare occasions where he has time, Yoongi isn’t free.

To Jin’s ‘When can I see you?’ follows ‘I’m meeting the guys tonight.’ from Yoongi.

The guys as in Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon. The three were the ones who had helped Yoongi the night he ran away from his place, and Seokjin had been grateful that someone had been there for him.

They seemed to be nice and genuine people when Yoongi first introduced them to him.

But nowadays, Jin feels like they’re all what’s on the younger’s mind.

He tries not to be jealous and think rationally. Yoongi made some friends and hangs out with them, that’s nice!

He should be happy for his boyfriend, as Yoongi, just like himself, seemed rather lonely before.

But they also make him insecure. In comparison to Yoongi, to them, Seokjin is old.

Not that old, but the age difference is there. He’s probably boring, isn’t he?

Now Yoongi had three cool new friends, around his age who take him to the arcade and whatever.

Jin in comparison, always takes Yoongi to boring places. Because he is boring.

He didn’t even have any interests until he discovered horror movies together with Yoongi.

But Yoongi doesn’t like those, so he can’t even share that with his boyfriend.

So Seokjin tries not to be jealous, but it’s hard, when he hasn’t seen Yoongi in two weeks, and the reason why becomes clearer by the day.

Seokjin is in his office, because where else could he be? But he’s not working. With his head buried inside the papers on his desk, Seokjin has time to think all those bad thoughts.

He doesn’t even remember when he stopped his work flow to mope instead.

“Hyung.” someone says as the door opens with a click, and for a moment Seokjin thinks maybe it’s Yoongi.

But it’s not, of course, why should he be here? He should be working himself, around that time.

It’s Jungkook.

“Hyung.” the secretary repeats, and Jin hums to let him know he’s listening.

“Your father called, because you weren’t picking up your own phone, but whatever… what’s wrong?”

It doesn’t take much to see that Seokjin isn’t feeling well, so of course Jeon would ask. He doesn’t answer though, instead replies with another question.

“Do you think I’m boring?”

The question seems to take Jeon by surprise, as there’s no immediate answer.

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