Chapter 2

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The next day everything returns to normal as Seokjin checks in at nine and works as he usually does. His secretary though, avoids his eyes and flinches when he greets him.

He plans on asking Jungkook about that very interesting café, but he’ll do that later.

Throwing himself into his work, Jin does his best to rush through everything that should have been done the day before. He knows taking a day off isn’t anything forbidden or bad, especially since he basically has like half a year vacation time left, with how little breaks he had been taking.

Little meaning none, since Jin can hear his father’s voice nagging in his head as soon as he relaxes just for a moment.

He sighs as he skims over the documents, he’s 28 years old, he has a good job, he’s making good money, being this affected by his father still is ridiculous.

Especially since his parents only call twice a year for his birthday and for Christmas and then it’s only “how is work going, son?”.

It’s depressing.

He decides to think of something else, because thinking about how sad his life is will lead him nowhere.

Seokjin’s hold around his pen tightens.

Pretty, pale legs. Legs and cute white socks and…

No, no, no‼

Seokjin drops his pen as he brings his hands up to his face, giving it a good rub. He won’t think of the pretty boy now. He was mean, and that café was weird, and he’ll never return, and he…

He thinks of Yoongi doing a little spin in his dress, so cute!

And how Yoongi leaned over the table to grab at his collar, and how he literally breathed into his face, and how that made Jin’s dick come to life—

He bangs his burning hot head onto his desk.

It’s okay, he’s just a poor, gay soul, and Yoongi is just the prettiest thing he’s ever seen, and he’s going to forget all about it, as soon as he throws himself into work, as he always does.

It’s not like he’ll see Yoongi again. He will forget about him.

Just then, the door to his office opens. The brunette doesn’t bother to lift his head, he knows who it is.

He hears the footsteps as his secretary crosses the room and comes to a halt before his desk.

“Boss hyung…”, comes a timid voice. He’s never heard Jungkook sound like this. “Are you sleeping…?”

Seokjin lifts his head and Jungkook flinches.

“What is it? It’s not even near five, it’s too early to nag me to go home.”, He says, and repositions himself, so that he’s sitting upright in his chair again.

“That’s not it…uh..”, the younger starts. Jungkook scratches his head a little, seemingly not sure how to start with whatever he has to say. Seokjin waits, patiently.

“Sorry for sending you to…that place?”, he mumbles, and it sounds more like a question.

“To Sour Candy?”, Seokjin says and Jungkook flinches again, as if speaking the name of the café poses a danger.

Sour Candy (yoonJin)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat