Chapter 7

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When Seokjin arrives at Sour Candy the next day, with Jungkook in tow, the little café is bursting with customers.

There’s even a line outside.

“Ugh… this’ll take hours.” Jeon groans as they look at it from the sides.

“Can’t you get us in? You’re dating the owner.” Seokjin tries, but jungkook shrugs.

“I’m not sure, to be honest. I think he’d made me wait.”

Meow-day seems to be a hit. Jin was just about to pull Jeon along to get in line when the door of the café opens. A maid, with cat ears and a tail steps out, letting a pair of guests out, before waving the next few people in.

Jin recognizes her face, but he doesn’t have a name for it. She calls out to him though.

“Seokjin-ssi, you’re here! Come on in, there’s a table for you!” she sounds awfully cheerful, like all the maids do whenever they step outside the café.

He’s sure she’ll quickly change her behavior as soon as she’s back inside.

It’s an act for everyone but Yoongi.

A few people in the line let out an annoyed groan when Jin and Jungkook pass, but the duo skillfully ignores that.

The café from the inside doesn’t look very different from usual. The only difference is the maids who are all wearing a pair of ears and a tail, and the wide array of cat themed desserts he spots on the tables.

Everyone is mean though, as always.

“You came, meow.” Jin hears when the door behind them closes.

It’s Yoongi, and Jinnie has to hold himself back from cooing.

He’s wearing one of his self made pieces, he supposes. A blue, voluminous skirt, paired with a white, sailor-style top. It looks like a revamped (and so much cooler!) school uniform, but there’s still an apron wrapped around his waist and a familiar headband in his hair.

He’s wearing black cat ears, that match his hair really well, and Seokjin sees a matching black tail peeking out from his skirt.

His bell collar jingles when he tilts his head.

“You know, meow.” he says. “This staring habit of yours is getting out of control, and I’m quite disgusted by it.”

“Yoongi-yah, you look so cute!” Kookie speaks Jin’s exact thoughts. Yoongi looks him up and down with a frown.

“Who are you again…?” Yoongi grabs Jin’s sweater to pull him along, and quickly adds a ‘meow’ when he realizes he forgot it.

“Right into the heart.” Jeon grabs his shirt dramatically and Seokjin can’t help but feel a little smug about getting special treatment from the youngest.

“Sit down, meow.” Yoongi says as he pushes Jin onto the chair, Jeon sits down across him. He has no eyes for Yoongi anymore, busy with looking around the room for the owner.

“Today’s a special day, so no strawberry cheesecake.” Yoongi throws the menu at Jungkook, who startles and almost falls off his chair. The maid hands Seokjin his own menu card.

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