She couldn't help but giggle at the fact that from the little things he remembered, he happened to remember that part. Dom didn't stop frowning though.

"I can try to forget," she eventually told him, making him nod but not say anything back. "But I don't want those people to get away with what they've done."


"The ones who made the fake pictures."


Dom stretched his arms which was just right to touch her hands and be able to grab them to pull her over to the bed. Julia sat down on it and looked at him, not letting his hands go.

"It's fine. It happened and they probably got what they wanted. Don't give them any more attention."

"It happened?" Julia protested. "It destroyed our relationship and your friendship and-"

"Yes," Dom nodded, "which is exactly what they wanted. But if we forget it, we can be together again, right?"

Julia sighed and raised her shoulders while looking down at the white bedsheets that covered Dom's body. "Because of those pictures I lost you. And not just for weeks but I almost lost you forever, Dom."

Dom slowly pulled her onto his chest and wrapped his arms around her. It felt so good to be in his arms like this again; ever since they saw each other again it had been Julia who protected Dom. Now he was finally hugging her.

"But I'm still here. And from now on I promise I won't scare you anymore."

Julia lifted her head to look at him with her eyes a little widen although they looked sad. "Please promise me."

"If you promise me to let it go. Let's focus on us, not on whoever made those fucking pictures," he said. The way his voice was low and she could feel his breath brushing over her face as his face was close to hers, gave Julia goosebumps. All caught up in him, she slowly nodded as an answer.

"You promise?" Dom asked her seriously.

"Okay," she nodded and she saw how Dom smiled and mumbled something as he took the oxygen mask off his face. She looked at it as he laid it on the bed, but Dom turned her face back towards his by pushing his thumb against her jaw.

"I missed you angel," he whispered, and Julia didn't think she had ever been that caught off guard. All she could do was smile as an answer before Dom's soft, big lips were touching hers.

Julia didn't hesitate a moment before she kissed him back and touched his face lightly with her fingers as she focused on his lips and his lips only.

It had only been weeks, but it felt like a year since she last kissed him, but maybe that was because so much happened in the meantime. All she knew was that she missed him too.

"Mr. Harrison woke up, I see."

The voice made Julia shoot away from Dom and they both looked at a nurse walking into the room. Julia immediately felt her face turn red, and she couldn't decide whether she was more embarrassed because they got caught or more sad because she couldn't kiss Dom for longer.

"Indeed," Dom said and he giggled. He seemed far from embarrassed and even pulled Julia back on his chest to hold her again. She didn't push him away but did hide her face in his shirt as her cheeks turned even more red knowing the nurse was looking at them.

"And you took off the mask which means you don't have trouble breathing anymore," the nurse continued on a more serious tone, probably because patients weren't allowed to just take off whatever they wanted to get rid of.

Julia looked up at Dom as he hummed, and he made eye contact quickly just to press his pointer finger on her lips telling her to be quiet. That was when she realized how breathing seemed to hurt for him. Every time he inhaled something changed in his face.

"You did have a huge amount of alcohol and drugs in your blood last night, though. Can I ask you what exactly you did last night?" the nurse asked Dom as she looked down at her notebook probably to read the scores of Dom's blood they tested the night before. Julia eventually sat up to let Dom sit up as well so he could talk better.

"I- uh-"

"I picked him up from a party," Julia jumped in, seeing how Dom was struggling with coming up with something. He had told her the night before how he didn't want them to send him to a psych ward, so she guessed they just had to lie about what happened so he could just go home without therapists involved.

"And he seemed to be alright at first, but he started seeing things. I think someone drugged him."

"Someone drugged him?" The nurse frowned as Julia nodded. Julia felt Dom's hand slowly making its way on top of hers, just so he could squeeze her hand a little. She turned her hand and squeezed back, making him smile.

"Any idea who? We can turn this into a police case if you want."

"It's alright," Dom quickly said. "I feel good now. It was a party of someone I barely knew anyway."

The nurse obviously didn't fall for the story immediately, but she eventually nodded and wrote something down.

"If you feel good you're free to go after some last tests."


"You still have pain, don't you?"

Julia opened the car door for Dom and waited for him to sit down. He shrugged and brushed it off.

"Just some chest pains. And a headache. And maybe I feel sick."

Julia rolled her eyes before she closed the door and went to her side of the car. Dom immediately spoke to her again once she sat down.

"I just wanted to go home."

For a moment she just stared at him, remembering the past days in which he hated the idea of going home. He really was trying to forget everything, and she should do the same.

"You want to go home?" she asked him quietly, and he nodded as he rested his head against the chair.

"Only if you stay with me for a while though."

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