🐉 CHAPTER 13 🐉

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The three males rose from their beds with the sun the next morning, each awaking with a different emotion about the approaching time for departure. Jiseok pulled a knapsack out from under the cot he'd been using as a bed, and from out of the leather sack came an armful of clothing. "Jungkook," he called out to the boy who turned from his task and promptly came to him. Holding out the bundle, the rider explained, "These clothes are for you. The air is cooler at the heights we'll be flying today. This clothing will help protect you. If you'll remove your sleep shirt, I'll help you dress."

With eyes that seemed impossibly large, Jungkook did as he was told and removed his sleeping garment. The rider first presented soft undergarments that were bleached white and long in the arms and legs. Jiseok explained that the cloth would fit close against his skin, presenting a soft layer between his body and the leather. He instructed Jungkook to put them on while he held up the next article of clothing, a pair of soft leather pants. They were black, an unusual color for clothing in the Milan Valley. "I had these made specifically for you, Jungkook, to match the color of your dragon."

The boy gave a nod of his head yet remained unusually quiet and pensive, the mood he'd woken up with that morning. Despite his feelings, he gave the older rider a slight smile that bespoke his gratitude before slipping the pants on over his underclothing.

Once the front of his pants were laced up, Jiseok brought out a shirt which he pulled over the boy's head. Jungkook noticed its softness compared to his own clothing, and the cloth was as white as the clouds in a summer sky. The lower half of the shirt was tucked into his pants, something he'd never done before, and the sleeves were fit a bit closer than he was used to, yet not to so much that it restricted his movements.

After tying the woven strings that held the gathered neck of his shirt together, Jiseok reached for the last garment, a matching short, black leather coat. Jungkook observed a purple quilted lining inside the coat, one more layer that would keep him warm once he and Army climbed high into the early Spring sky.

Jiseok held the jacket up while Jungkook gripped the ends of his shirt sleeves in his fingers and eased his arms into the jacket. He shrugged it onto his shoulders, then shifted his shoulder to make it fit more comfortably. Jungkook noticed Jiseok assessing him in his new clothing with approval before he clapped his hand on the boy's shoulder. "I have no doubt, my boy, that you will stand tall indeed amongst the riders. You already have an impressive start because Donghan is certainly proud of you, as am I. Guide your actions towards keeping the high regard he has for you and you will never go wrong. Remember, it is a man's deeds and character that makes him stand out amongst his peers."

"Thanks, Jiseok," Jungkook whispered, his emotions beginning to show in his eyes as the time for their departure drew closer.


A knock sounded on the door just as breakfast came to an end. Jungkook made to open the door only to stand in it's threshold, unmoving as he gazed out to see the entire village gathered outside their dwelling. The Speaker stepped forward, a large bundle in his arms. "A gift for you to remember us by," Baekho said, holding out the bundle towards the boy. Jungkook knew by the shape of the wrapped object that it was one of the tapestries the village was well-known for. Only a few of the more well-to-do villagers owned one as they were costly and usually sold to merchants, or the wealthy in far away cities.

"Thank you," Jungkook said sincerely, unable to believe he'd been given a gift of such importance and value. He put his arms out to receive it, then staggered under its unexpected weight as it was rolled into his arms. Donghan came up from behind and took it from him as the village speaker continued.

"This is your home, Jungkook," he began, in a voice loud enough for the entire village behind him to hear. "You might not have always been treated as well as you should have, but as you think on us in the future, I would hope you will find that we did our best for you. This dwelling will remain yours for when you wish to return. Donghan may stay or go as he pleases, but it was built for your welfare and so it will remain yours."

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