'I'll see you later.'


"What's that supposed to mean?" Jungkook asked as all seven of them looked at the bright yellow post-it note. Namjoon shrugged his elbows and Taehyung couldn't do anything but look at that tiny square.

Yoongi couldn't wrap his thoughts around it either. 'I'll see you later.' 

Was that her goodbye? repeating the words that clearly had affected her last time they saw each other?  Or was it a promise that she was coming back and not to worry?

Seokjin was the first to separate himself from the group, deciding to start on dinner.

"Hyung how can you be so calm about this?!" Jungkook asked, clearly panicking.

"Calm about what?" Seokjin asked as he was looking through the drawers to find the utensils he needed. "She's clearly coming back later, might as well get food started."

"I'll help!" Jimin offered, jumping to the kitchen trying to energize himself again after the rigorous training and the mystery note.

Seokjin gave him a smile that no-one saw wavering.

"I'll go work in my room." Yoongi mumbled as he finally tore his eyes off of the note. 'She was coming back, she had to. Nothing bad happened between them anyhow.'

Slowly everyone separated to distract themselves until dinner was done.

Whilst helping Seokjin cook Jimin couldn't help but notice how his hands were shaking and how his eyes kept darting to that bright yellow paper.

"You were right hyung, she'll be back." Jimin whispered, trying not to let the others in the living room hear them.

"Ofcourse she will!" Seokjin said steadfast.

"But it's getting dark, we don't know where she is and she is so tiny and fragile... even more so when she's a cat -"

"I'm sure she'll be fine." Jimin interrupted, not wanting to think about all the concerns he had overlooked.

Just as dinner was about to be served -Seokjin refused to serve it before Melody got home, but Jimin preferred the food not be burnt to a crisp- the front door opened. 

Six pairs of eyes immediately focused on the blue haired girl who, though wet from the rain, seemed to be perfectly fine. Smiling even.

"You're back!!"

"Where have you been young lady?!"

"What the heck man?!"

Loud complaints were thrown in her direction the moment the boys felt the nerves subside.

Melody was saved by Taehyung who shoved the girl in the direction of Yoongi's room.


A soft knock on the door could be heard, if only Yoongi wasn't wearing his headphones.

The door opened slowly as the girl got pushed into the room.

Finally Yoongi looked up, noticing the blue haired girl coming closer with each breath.

She smiled as Yoongi paused his program and took off his headphones.

"They seem pretty upset with me." Melody giggled nervously, wondering what was going though her boyfriends head.

"I guess this is later?" He asked, no emotion visible in his voice.

"Yeah...-" the girl scratched the back of her neck "- sorry about that.. I wasn't really sure when I would be home." a small pause. "i wasn't sure how long this would take." She added playing with a stack of papers in her hands.

"What's that?" Yoongi asked, grabbing the pile handed to him. "A resume?"

Melody started fidgeting with her hands.

"uhu.. It's small, and most places didn't even look at it, but I finally found a place that wants to give me a chance!"

"What kind of place?" Yoongi asked, brows furrowed. There indeed wasn't much to go on in the girl's resume.

"A restaurant- But I heard Seokjin say food is ready! Let's go eat, I'm sure you guys are hungry after practice."

"Practice was over three hours ago." Yoongi informed her. getting up and folowing her for dinner anyhow.

"Oh...." Melody stopped for a second. "I guess you guys have been waiting for a while then...."


Hey guys, Violet here.

I'm so sorry for being distant lately.

I honestly don't really know what is going on with me.

Don't worry, it's nothing too bad. I guess it's stress?

I have a lot of things to think over at the moment.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this part!

Lots of Love!

Kitty - BTS ( Yoongi )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ