Chapter 17

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Lyra could see sunlight at the bottom of the stairs. As they hit the bottom step Lyra smiled brightly as she looked around at the huge open field. It was beautiful, the sky was crystal blue and the grass looked a perfect shade of green.

"Wow.." Lyra said more to herself, Ging studied her mesmerized state. He felt like he truly achieved something in that moment. Like all the work was worth it just for her reaction.

"Pretty cool yeah?" Ging asked with a big smile, she smiled to him and nodded.

"It's amazing! What's next?" Lyra smirked at him raising a brow in amusement. Ging let out a laugh, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring.

"Awfully fast if you to pop the question isn't it? I know I said we could build a life on top of the world tree.." Lyra said jokingly, Ging furrowed his brows at her comment.

"You think I'm that shallow to purpose in a moment like this?" Ging asked giving her an unamused face.

"Oh? So you would then?" Lyra smirked at him this time catching him off guard. Ging let out a stammer figuring out how to reply. Razor was his hero in this instance, as a light flashed in front of them.

Lyra's focus turned from Ging to the person standing in front of them. He was fairly tall, and a very well built man.

"Yo Razor!" Ging greeted the man with a smile, Razor smiled to Ging then his eyes trailed to Lyra.

"Ging, and who is this?" The man questioned Ging as he glanced to Lyra.

She felt uncomfortable, but the way Ging had been acting since they had arrived to the area made her feel calmer. She could tell he had trust in them, so she decided she would trust them too.

"I'm Lyra. Nice to meet you." She said with a small smile, Razor nodded his head once returning the smile. His eyes shifted between Lyra and Ging a sly smile made its way onto his face.

"I was wondering what was holding you up. Makes sense now." Razor said smirking to Ging, who furrowed his brows at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Ging said in an irritated voice causing Razor to laugh. Lyra's eyes widened and she turned her face away realizing what he meant.

"Im sure you will figure that out if you haven't already." Razor replied with a smirk, Ging let out a huff.

"So what about this ring?" Lyra said glancing to Ging's hand which still held a small silver ring. His annoyed face dropped as his eyes shifted to her. Ging extended his hand out giving it to Lyra, once she took it Ging raised his hand.

"Book." He said simply and a book appeared in front of him. Lyra raised a brow as she slid the ring on her index finger.

"It pulls up your card binder, it will hold 100 specific card slots, and 40 spell slots. There is also another 45 unnumbered free slots." Ging said explaining the basics to Lyra, she raised her hand.

"Book." Suddenly a book materialized in front of her. She examined the book, just as Ging had said there were slots for the cards to be placed.

"If you don't want a card to be placed in there or decide you want to keep an item just hold it and say Gain." Ging said as his book disappeared in front of him. Lyra nodded her head, she dropped her hand causing the book to disperse.

"Those are just the basics, we have a few things to discuss." Razor said drawing their attention back to him.

"Book. Accompany on, Massadora!" Razor said, Lyra felt like she was floating for a moment and suddenly her surrounds changed. They were in a large town, and there were.. people?

"They are just NPC's. So no need to worry." Ging said offering a smile to Lyra who nodded to him. Razor cleared his throat, the two looked at him.

"Everything is set up and ready to launch, I just need you to make sure their aren't any glitches or reason for concern." Razor said.

"Easy enough. Lyra? Still up for it?" Ging asked glancing back to Lyra with a hitched brow.

"Let's do this!" She said confidently with a smirk.

"Good luck, contact me if you have any issues." Razor said looking between the two.


Ging pointed to a a strange looking horse, Lyra gave him a confused face.

"You want me to catch that?" Lyra asked studying the strange looking horse. It's mouth was agape and the tail was fluffy sticking straight into the air.

"See if you can on the first try." Ging said with a smirk, she was more intrigued at this point. Ging was testing her, she let out a small sigh and slowly approached the horse.

The horse began to release bubbles from its mouth, some were white and others were red. As they floated towards her Lyra examined them, she quickly dodged a few but a red one bumped into her. A loud bang rang where the bubble hit her causing Lyra to jump.

Ging laughed as the horse ran away from her, Lyra gave him an unamused face.

"It's not funny!" Lyra whined causing Ging to laugh harder. He walked over to where she was standing and Lyra flicked his forehead.

"No need for violence." Ging said as he rubbed his forehead where she attacked him. Lyra furrowed her brows, as Ging pointed to the horse.

"The white bubbles will burst if they come into contact with aura. The red ones will burst if they come into contact with anything other than aura." Ging said explaining the weakness and how to capture the beast.

"So I will have to switch back and forth?" Lyra asked confirming what he had told her.

"Exactly. Try again." Ging said glancing to her with a smile. Lyra looked to the horse and approached it again.

The horse did the same thing as last time releasing red and white bubbles into the world that floated towards Lyra again. She pushed through the white bubbles, as soon as a red bubble was about to hit her she flipped on her aura. This time it didn't burst as she made her way past it a white bubble almost bumped into her. She quickly dispersed her aura, then she saw her chance. Lyra quickly jumped towards the horse wrapping her arms around its neck.

A light surrounded them as the horse turned into a card. Lyra let out a victory yell, as she grabbed the card.

"I did it!" Lyra exclaimed as she held the card up to Ging. He smiled at her excited state, she quickly pulled up her card book and placed it inside.

"Good job!" Ging said praising her, she wore a cheeky smile.

"What's next?" Lyra asked in a confident tone, Ging smirked at her.

"You and I are going to take on some Cyclops." Ging said, Lyra raised a brow and smiled.

"Bring it on."

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